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Lee Arthur ([info]brightestknight) wrote in [info]crescentdart,
A. Danette Arthur
B. Aries
C. Lee saved Devony's life during a big global disaster event and after a while they they started dating. When Devony found out she was pregnant Lee proposed on the spot.
D. photo 49_zpsff0306ea.png
Allie Trimm
1. Danette is an extremely powerful pyrokinetic and a little bit of a pyro.
2. Danette has a bit of a quirky sense of humor that she got from her mother.
3. Been around the JSA since she was a little girl which made it a no-brainer to join them when she was older.
4. Loves country music ever since Uncle Greg introduced it to her.
5. Used to pretend she was a knight of the round table when she was really little.

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