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Nicolai Sablinova ([info]favoredheir) wrote in [info]crescentdart,
A. Anastasia Sablinova
B. Gemini
C. An arranged date that went better than expected. After getting married they had Ana a little over a year later.
D.  photo a_c_zpsf9efd486.png
BĂ©atrice Martin
1. Is really smart and loves combining Stark tech with Symkarian tech. Her stealth armor designs are better than anything else seen.
2. Loves being princess especially the tiara she gets to were sometimes.
3. Doesn't care for being a hero and would rather work to help them with her awesome tech.
4. Loves her grandmothers but does not like having to play peacekeeper when they fight.
5. Currently speaks over seven languages and counting.

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