Ryan Spector's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Ryan Spector

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Tarot Cards [21 Aug 2013|01:44pm]
Nick Szasz- The Reporter
Cerdian- The Naturalist
Sam Weaver- The Street Rat
Cian Daly-
Lee Arthur- The Knight
Mike Blood- The Prison
Dean Monaghan- The Agent
Marcus Todd- The Gunslinger
Jerry Carr-

Nicolai Sablinova- The Prince
Eiltin- The Bard
Eric Phillips-
Casey Flynn-
Ben Storm- The Actor
Ryan Spector-
Bram Harker- The Scholar
Brad Hill- The Pilot
Rufus Drake- The Trickster
Shane Ostrum-
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[ viewing | August 21st, 2013 ]
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