cortinula's journal

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wednesday, july 9, 2008
monday, june 16, 2008
Who: Evan Rosier and Jeremiah Wilkes.
Where: History of Magic.
Date: 2 September 1977.
When: 9:17AM.
What: A series of charmed notes.
Rating: R for language, references to drug use, and violent scheming.
Status: Complete.

'Politics is a science. You can demonstrate that you are right and that others are wrong.' )
sunday, june 15, 2008
Who: Xenophilius Lovegood
Where: Hogwarts Express
Date: September 1, 1977
When: As the train is leaving
Status: Can be complete, but feel free to comment if you like.

wednesday, june 4, 2008
Who: Georgina Smythe and OPEN!
Where: Hogwarts Express
Date: September 1, 1977
When: Just before the train leaves and after the train leaves the station.
Status: Incomplete

wednesday, june 4, 2008
Who: Lily Evans and Emmeline Vance
Where: King's Cross Station
Date: September 1, 1977
When: Just before 11 a.m.
Status: Incomplete

After hugging both her parents goodbye and promising her mother several times to write, Lily carefully checked her bagage one more time to make sure she hadn't forgotten anything. )
saturday, may 31, 2008