04 August 2009 @ 07:20 pm
School has been very hectic thus far. I think all the professors have decided they have to teach everything now, not spread around through the school year. I'm beat already. I also haven't had much time to practise, and we have a match coming up soon. I need to get out on the pitch, but haven't the time presently. Is everyone else so swamped, or is it just me? Alas. There is homework to be done.
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Renee Francine Allan: smug smile.[info]callmeren on August 5th, 2009 08:22 pm (UTC)
Think positive! It can only get worse from here!
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cormac: normal look[info]cormacbagman on August 5th, 2009 09:00 pm (UTC)
Thanks for the support, Ren.
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Renee Francine Allan: grin. laugh. uber happy.[info]callmeren on August 5th, 2009 09:04 pm (UTC)
Any time! You can think of me as your wonderful support system.
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