28 July 2009 @ 10:48 pm
cormac d. bagman  
Chelsy, but Chela is fine.
Age: 18
contact info: our problematique on AIM
experience: I’ve been playing for about 6 years, and currently I’m at Castalian Springs
how did you hear about us?: Jessi!

Cormac Driscoll Bagman
Age/Birthday: 17 / 9 July, 1925
House/Year: Hufflepuff / Seventh
Bloodline: Half
Personality: Cormac is very committed to what he thinks is right, and he doesn’t really care if other people agree with these beliefs; they’re his beliefs, so he figures others are entitled to their own opinions as well. That means that he also respects these opinions, as long as others do the same for him. As long as they do, however, he is a strong believer in the fact that people deserve their own rights and liberties; he doesn’t understand all of those problems with race and whatnot the muggle world seems to have— for example, how can Hitler hate people just because of their religion, sexuality, or race? It doesn’t make sense.

Cormac is an action-oriented person. He likes to be up and about, doing things, like being Beater for Hufflepuff’s Quidditch team. He’s not one to sit in boring classes (like Arithmancy) so he’s glad to finally have a good selection of classes his final year at Hogwarts. Adaptable and spontaneous, he responds almost immediately to what is set before him. His decisions are usually effective, but they’ve been known to get him into a tight spot or two.

School is not Cormac’s favourite thing. He’s not stupid, by any means. He just doesn’t like being kept inside learning about what wizard did what five thousand years ago when he could be outside or doing something he enjoys. So he does his assignments and puts them away, not looking at them again until he has to turn them in for credit.

Cormac loves his family, especially his older brothers. If this war continues, and he hopes it doesn’t, he’d like to follow in their footsteps and join the RAF. He feels the need to protect his family, his country, and even the rest of the world. His family isn’t prestigious by any means but Cormac still loves them regardless. He doesn’t need fame and fortune.

In general, Cormac is optimistic, full of good cheer, loyal, uncomplicated in his desires, generous, trusting and receptive.


Mother: Derval Moriarty Bagman (40), a Muggle-born from Cork, Ireland. She attended Hogwarts as a Hufflepuff, and now works at St. Mungo’s. Since the War started Cormac has seen his mother less and less, because she stayed behind in London for work when he, his siblings, and his father moved to the countryside.
Father: Winston Bagman III (43), a pureblood born and raised in London. He taught his sons all the sports he could, including the muggle ones like Rugby, and was a Chaser for Hufflepuff in his day. He is unemployed at the moment, more focused on caring for his youngest children than having a job. Before, however, he had a job in the Department of Magical Games and Sports. Cormac loves his father more so than his mother, even though he wouldn’t admit it, probably just because he’s a man and taught him to be the way he is.
Siblings: Shay (19) and Winston (20), two former Gryffindor students (they dropped out at the beginning of their 6th and 7th year, respectively) and members of the Royal Air Force. All Cormac knows about his brothers’ situations is that they’re currently doing night-raids. He looks up to them very much.
Saoirse Jane (14), a fourth-year Gryffindor. She’s a dainty girl so, while Cormac is very protective of her, he doesn’t feel quite the connection he does with his brothers.
Other relatives: Cormac has five uncles, three aunts, and at least two dozen cousins. They’re not particularly close, but when they all get together, the Bagmans play a wicked game of Quidditch.
History: When Derval Moriarty came to London for the summer in 1922, she expected to go back to Ireland come fall. But then, while working an internship at St. Mungo’s, she met Winston Bagman in the Artifact Accidents ward. They hit it off almost instantly, even though many of Winston’s friends called him a blood-traitor, and they were married three months after meeting.

In 1923, Winston Bagman IV was born in the ancestral Bagman home in London. The next year came Shay and their final boy, Cormac, in 1925. Saoirse Jane, the doted daughter, rounded out the family in 1928. They had a nice little (or little on the outside, at least, because even though his father says otherwise, Cormac swears there’s an enlargement charm on the place) house in London, where the family lived like a proper family with both muggle and wizard influences.

Just like his brothers before him, Cormac entered Hogwarts when he was 11 years old. All his muggle friends thought he was going away to a private, far off boarding school, not Eton or St. George’s like they would be. Cormac was excited to go, however, and quickly found his place in the school as a popular (but not quite) student of Hufflepuff.

But in 1939, the war started. The threat by the Axis on the entire world, not just the muggle one, became very clear. Cormac was fourteen and immediately wanted to lie about his age and join the army, if only he didn’t look too young. He didn’t care so much about academics as protecting his family that had done so much for him.

During the Blitz, the Bagman family was forced to relocate to the countryside, into some less-than-perfect cottage that an uncle offered up. Mrs. Bagman stayed behind in London, however, to continue at the hospital. It was also during the Blitz that Winston IV and Shay dropped out to join the RAF, leaving Mr. Bagman with only Cormac and Saoirse.

Their life was almost normal, except for the (hopefully temporary) loss of three members of the family. They could still go outside and Cormac could still secretly practise his Quidditch as long as his father pretended not to see—muggle interference and laws and all that. Mr. Bagman kept a closer eye over his children, however, because he was afraid Cormac would run off for the army—and he probably would, if he didn’t only have one year of school left. So he was very eager to begin his 7th year, to get it over with.
Likes: rugby, Quidditch, the outdoors, adventures, girls, his brothers, yellow, Care of Magical Creatures, Hogsmeade, the RAF, his hair
Dislikes:, O.W.L.s (and his grades on them), being cooped up inside, being teased for being a Hufflepuff, Arithmancy, the War, leaving his old house, people pronouncing his name Bag-man and not Bag-mun (it’s a tiny difference but it annoys Cormac)
PB: Devon Graye
Anything else you feel is important: I do not think so at this time!

writing sample.
Third: “Cormac Driscoll Bagman, if I find your broom laying in the foyer one more time, I will take it!” his father called, echoing through the house and even upstairs. “I know of a little redheaded lass that would just love a Cleansweep Three.”

Cormac, still covered in mud from his recent trek through the woods (on his broom, which proved unsuccessful, surprisingly), leaned over the stair rail and looked at his father. “I’ll get it, Pa. An owl came. I wanted to see if it’s from the boys.”

His father was not impressed. “Did you get the letter?”


“Was it from them?”

Cormac frowned. “No.”

Mr. Bagman picked up the broom and held it up. “Right then. Why is this still here?” He took his wand from his pocket and pointed it toward the stairs and, consequently, his son. “Locomotor broomstick.”

As the broom flew up to him, Cormac grabbed it. What was so wrong with leaving his broomstick in the entrance hall? Sure, it was slightly in the way, but it was easier to find when he wanted to go out on it! “Sorry, Pa,” Cormac said, before turning away and going upstairs to clean up— for now.

His broom would probably be in the hall again before the day was up. But Cormac wasn’t too worried about his sister getting it: she already had a Tinderblast and he knew his father better.

First: I wrote Shay and Win today. I don’t rightly know where they are presently, but I hope the letter gets there. I don’t want to flip my wig over it, because I dearly hope they’re fine and safe, but I can’t help but worry sometimes. We haven’t heard from them in weeks. Maybe months. I can’t imagine how Mama and Pa feel about their two oldest sons away fighting some Krauts; I know they’re proud, but do they fear as much as I do?

I can’t wait to get out there, to leave Hogwarts and join the RAF. It’s my duty as a young man, I think. I’ve got to save jolly old England before it gets even more shot to pieces. (Speaking of, Mama sent word that as of her writing, our old house was still intact. I do hope she’ll owl me at school and keep me updated.)

I miss my brothers. I want them back or I want to be with them.
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