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dari davison ([info]coraffabile) wrote,
@ 2010-12-18 11:54:00

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tuesday sept seventh around 3pm
[written a few minutes before latin class]

It is far too nice a day to be stuck inside. Goodness knows I love class, but it's so beautiful outside and I would much rather be reading under my favorite tree. I have two more hours of class and by then it will be getting cooler. I think I might spend a little time outside before dinner, though. I should go to the library, but it won't stay nice outside forever and I can still get some work done outside, right?

Private to Ashleigh Barton
Hey, I miss you.

Private to Jeremy Pitt
I know we're expected to have dinner with our.. whatever we're supposed to call them, but maybe we could meet up later?

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hexed private between Dari and Jeremy
2010-12-20 04:00 pm UTC (link)
You could... We both could...

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hexed private between Dari and Jeremy
2010-12-20 04:01 pm UTC (link)
And tell our fiancées what, exactly? That we won't be in class, because we'd rather spend the time together?

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hexed private between Dari and Jeremy
2010-12-20 04:04 pm UTC (link)
We could tell them that we won't be in class because we'd rather fuck like bunnies...

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hexed private between Dari and Jeremy
2010-12-20 04:04 pm UTC (link)
We can't. You know we can't.

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hexed private between Dari and Jeremy
2010-12-20 04:06 pm UTC (link)
See you after class, then.

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hexed private between Dari and Jeremy
2010-12-20 04:10 pm UTC (link)
I'll see you then!

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hexed private between Dari and Jeremy
2010-12-20 04:12 pm UTC (link)
See you then.

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