consider this...

Date: 2009-01-19 20:16
Subject: (no subject)
Security: Public

I've been bad about updating, but oh well. I gave up on the whole editing the layout thing. I just don't have the patience or the incentive. Which is funny, because I can spend hours colouring photos or putting genealogical charts together.

The pears I bought back in December were getting a bit iffy, so I found a recipe online for pear muffins. They are excellent. I already ate 2 of the 6. I'll definitely be making these muffins again.

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Date: 2009-01-15 09:27
Subject: (no subject)
Security: Public

Well, I both fell off the diet wagon and missed updating yesterday and Tuesday. I didn't have time on Tuesday because I was at work and school all day...and even though I had computer access, I had other things to do. I have less of an excuse for missing yesterday because I was at home all day and because I was actually on Scribbld for quite a while, but I was fiddling with a layout and never got around to posting. I'm thinking of moving my coloured photos over to Scribbld, simply because I think it's time for a change. So, in anticipation of the move, I've been trying to modify an S2 layout to be less ugly. Oh Scribbld, why, why, why don't you have Flexible Squares as an S2 option?

I'll likely be offline all weekend. I may get the chance to log in on Saturday to do some fiddling with the layout, but I likely won't post. I'm spending tonight at a friends and then the rest of the weekend with family a little bit out of town, so my computer acccess is sort of limited. Stupid cold weather and bus strike.

About falling off the diet: It's hard to eat properly. I'm not at home during the days, and adding a lunch to my already overstuffed bag just doesn't work. So I end up eating at work, or on campus, and the food just isn't good. I'm trying, but it's hard. Hopefully next week will be nicer (we're suffering from some serious windchill this week) and I'll be able to walk to and from work and classes again.

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Date: 2009-01-12 15:48
Subject: out for a walk, bitch
Security: Public
Tags:eating eating eating, exercise, new year's resolutions, ouch

I am very tired, and can't focus on the work I need to do. I sat down and drew up a time table that will get me back on track with both work and academics.
Today I walked approximately 7km. I couldn't bring myself to do the walk home. For some reason (probably the same reason my right wrist is all messed up...yes, it's still messed up, but I think wearing the brace is helping. I've been able to write and type tonight, so I'm going to keep wearing it while I'm sleeping and walking), my right leg/hip/lower back is extremely painful. I can't even lift my leg to cross it over the left one. After tonight, I'm relocating to the living room. Also, tomorrow I'm going to power through it and do the walk home too. It should take about 2 hours, hopefully a little bit less. I don't have the proper shoes for walking that far. My boots are from Payless, and they let in the water and they squelch when they're wet. My socks are always soaked. I'll probably catch pneumonia or something. I might steal back my brown leather boots from the roommate. They are mine, after all, and at least they don't let the water in...but I can't tuck my pants into them because I have fat calves. Whatever. Also, I think my should is messed up because I carry every heavy thing of mine in a shoulder bag rather than in a backpack. So, tomorrow, I'm also going to purchase a backpack.

Fell off the diet wagon a bit today with the chocolate. I'll regroup tomorrow - slippage is allowed.

What I Ate Today:
- apple (1 pts)
- bowl of Special K (3 pts)
- 12" roasted chicken sub (12 pts)
- Mars bar x2 (10 pts)
- bottle of Ginger Ale (5 pts)
Total: 29 pts

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Date: 2009-01-11 20:49
Subject: today it's rain of toads
Security: Public
Tags:co-op, eating eating eating, new year's resolutions, ouch

Well, I bought the brace, and so far it's helping. We'll see how it goes for a week or so, and it if stays the same or gets worse, I'll go see a doctor about it.

I've been trying to work on my Work Term Report (it's due on Friday), but I just can't get into it. I neither did nor accomplished anything during this past work term, and I'm out of practice at making crap up for academic consumption. I WILL do it tomorrow though. Hopefully I'll have some spare time at work to get it started.

What I Ate Today:
- pizza slice x 2 (12 pts)
- can of Ginger Ale (3 pts)

- piece of chicken x 2 (6 pts)

Total: 21 pts

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Date: 2009-01-10 21:52
Subject: Book Review: "Catherine the Great"
Security: Public
Tags:book review

One of my goals for 2009 is to get back into reading actual paper books. I'll be using this journal to keep track of the books I've read, and my thoughts about each one .

As The Page Turns: Catherine the Great by Henri Troyat (1980)

Chapter One: Figchen
I've started reading Henri Troyat's biography of Catherine the Great. It's...pretty badly written. There is a lot of conjecture: "Her heart beat with unbounded pride, and yet she was anxious." How could he possibly know that? Seriously, there are no citations whatsoever in the first chapter (I was reading while cooking, so I've only managed that much so far), and the language is very emotional: "Dumbfounded, Johanna considered her daughter with an admiration mingled with fear." It's like something from a novel. Maybe all this stems from the fact that it was written a while ago (1980) or that it was originally written in French? Maybe I'm losing something by reading the translation? I did, however, learn something...whether it's true or not remains to be seen: I did not know that Catherine's childhood nickname was "Figchen". That's actually kind of cute.

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Date: 2009-01-10 21:24
Subject: oh, i'm never going to be disabled. i'm sick of being so healthy!
Security: Public
Tags:eating eating eating, new year's resolutions, ouch

So, I think I'm developing carpal tunnel syndrome. This is decidedly not good, since hand/wrist pain prevents me from both taking notes (necessary for school) and repetitive mouse use (necessary for work). Once I'm done posting this, I'm going to stop my computer usage for the night and pick up a book (shocking, I know). Sadly, the internet has essentially replaced books for me, which, considering how much I used to read, is probably not the good thing. Lots of computer use = the aforementioned potential carpal tunnel, and also the ongoing depletion of my eyesight. Seriously, my hand is...swollen and discoloured? Uh oh.

Also, I'm still off the diet wagon. I had to finish the cookies and Pepsi this morning - I couldn't eat them all last night, which I see as a good sign. I'm still trying to get myself ready for Monday. 11 km of walking is more than I ever ever ever do. Hopefully, the weather will cooperate. I could actually count the points I used today...but my hand hurts so damn much that I don't think I will. I'll come back tomorrow and add them.

I'm using the mouse with my left hand. Maybe carpal tunnel syndrome will render me ambidextrous? Not likely. I'm going to go ice my wrist. This sucks, because I just noticed a bunch of problems with my layout that I want to fix.

eta: I called home and spoke with my Mom's sister, who had carpal tunnel syndrome. I'll be going to get a wrist brace from the pharmacy tomorrow.

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Date: 2009-01-09 16:19
Subject: for those of you who just tuned in, everyone here is a crazy person
Security: Public
Tags:crazytime, eating eating eating, new year's resolutions

Well, I had a bit of a breakdown while I was on the phone with my mom last night. It sucked, but after I had a good cry I felt a lot better.

Also, as a result of my crazy mental state, I am off the diet wagon for today. Way to go me, two whole days! Once I am finished the bag of cookies, I will be back on the wagon, I swear.

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Date: 2009-01-08 16:58
Subject: why with the crazy?
Security: Public
Tags:crazytime, eating eating eating, new year's resolutions

Nothing much to report today. I didn't go to work or class today. Lately, I just haven't wanted to get out of bed. The ongoing transit strike, and the fact that I'd have to walk for a couple of hours just to get anywhere, probably contributes to it, but I'm concerned I may be slipping into a minor depression again. Oh well.

What I Ate Today:
- pasta (12 pts)
- salmon(9 pts)

Total: 21 pts

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Date: 2009-01-07 18:27
Subject: i can not stress enough how much i don't have plans
Security: Public
Tags:eating eating eating, new year's resolutions

New Year, New Journal! Once again, I'm starting anew on the blogging thing. Daily journaling is just one of my many many resolutions for 2009. Number one on my list is, of course, weight-loss. I'm back on the Weight Watchers bandwagon, though not officially. I'll be keeping track of my daily point totals here, along with anything else that might come to mind about any number of things - from recipes to book and movie reviews to random thoughts.

What I Ate Today:
- banana x2 (4 pts)

- pasta (9 pts)
- bread x4 (8 pts)

- Pepsi (4 pts)

Total: 25 pts

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my journal
January 2009