S2: Part 2 of 2
This is the second half of my S2 help guide — the first half can be found
here. In this section I'm going to go over some very simple extras.
‹ Making Layers visible ›
- How do I make my layer visable?
- Go to Your Layers
- Click on the edit button next to the layer you want to be seen
- Add the following after layerinfo "name" = "S2 tutorial";:
layerinfo is_public = 1;
layerinfo source_viewable = 1; - you can get away with just having layerinfo source_viewable = 1; which is what I used earlier.
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‹ Testing Your New Layout ›
- What is the purpose of testing my layout?
- The main purpose of testing the S2 layout is the same purpose of testing any layout. You want to make sure things are right before you make it go live. Thanfully S2 allows you to test the layout much like the way S1 allows you to test it.
- How do I test my layout without making it go live?
- Go to Your Styles which can be found in the Advanced Customization area.
- Create Style: type something into the Name box and then click create.
I recommend keeping the name short. Things like numbers (001, 002, etc.) work wonders, but that's just a suggestion.
- The page will then refresh and your new style can be seen. It should look something like:
style name (#123456789) | edit | delete | use
- Click on the edit button. Only the following needs to be changed:
Layout: — select the layout that your layer is set up for.
Theme: — select your new layer
- Once finished click save. You will then be taken back to the Your Styles page.
- Clicking on the number given will take you to the recent entries view. Examples are as follows:
Recent — http://www.scribbld.net/users/username/?s2id=0123456789
Friends — http://www.scribbld.net/users/username/friends?s2id=0123456789
Calendar — http://www.scribbld.net/users/username/calendar?s2id=0123456789
Month — http://www.scribbld.net/users/username/2007/06/?s2id=0123456789
Day — http://www.scribbld.net/users/username/2007/05/29/?s2id=0123456789
Entry —http://www.scribbld.net/users/username/452880.html?s2id=0123456789
- When testing the Day view I like to pick a day that has more than one entry. Also, testing Entry view is only good if you are going to use custom comment pages. So it's good to pick an entry that has some comments on it.
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‹ Help Line ›
- What if I need further help?
- If any of this mess seems confusing to you, just ask me. I should be able to help you. Chances are I left some words out (I have a bad habit of leaving words out every so often) so it may be a tad bit confusing.
- What are some useful S2 communities or guides?
- Smooth Sailing
- Flexible Squares
- Tranquility II
- Opal
- General
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‹ What Happened? ›
- What happened to my layout? It was fine a moment ago...
- I'm not sure how things work here on Scribbld since it actually appears that their S2 code is up to date. However, if you are using a S2 layout and it works one moment and then looks shitty the next then I can at least tell you what the problem is. What causes this is because someone posted a Flash object — such as a YouTube video — outside of a lj-cut. This problem will also happen if you are using the custom comment pages rather than the older comment page.
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