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Justin Finch-Fletchley ([info]condign) wrote,
@ 2008-03-25 13:14:00

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December 16, 1997 | Tuesday | Before Dinner
[Ward to Garrick Summerby]

Oy. I'm leaving tomorrow so I think you should assist me in leaving a lasting gift for Zacharias. He's been being right pain in the arse lately and he needs to be rewarded.


I noticed he's left out his beauty products again. You think after last term's Wrinkle Enhanced Wrinkle Be Gone fiasco he'd have learned by now. I don't know if he has the wrinkle remover any more or not....hmm.

This time I'm thinking acne in his anti-acne cream. Or just muck the fuck out of the anti-bags and circles stuff he uses religiously. Or we could be incredibly unoriginal and just bullocks his shampoo so he's bald in the morning.

What'd you think? In? Out? I'll do it myself if I have to.


Well, I'm ready to get the bloody hell out of here!
I'm thinking I'm so ready I might just pack tonight.
Or someone should pack for me. I'll pay.....in hugs.

- J. Finch-Fletchley.

P.S. [Ward to Hufflepuff Boys]
The promise of getting pissed post-exams'll have to wait, mates. I couldn't get my hands on anymore booze. I exhuasted all my connections for Smith's party. Those of you not staying here, though, we'll meet up and get a pint or something sometime, yeah?

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2008-03-27 11:11 pm UTC (link)
You said my name, and it's...

Well, I--

No, nevermind, sorry.

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2008-03-27 11:18 pm UTC (link)
Well, now you have to tell me.

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2008-03-27 11:29 pm UTC (link)
It's just--I had this--idea--it's stupid, really, but--

You know, since...you live in Northampton, and that's so close to the city, and--just if you--were in London, that you could--you know, if you were here for the theatre or a museum or even a pub, that--if you wanted to--I could, you know, say hello. Since I live here and all, I know--places and things.

I'm sorry, that's silly, we're not even--anyway. That's all. Stop talking, Gelsey, you're ruining everything. It's not like this wit

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2008-03-27 11:40 pm UTC (link)
Er.. Yeah, sure. If I'm in town I'll give you a ring sometime.

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strikeouts are hard!
2008-03-27 11:47 pm UTC (link)

...I have to go. And throw up. And then scream with the thestrals.

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2008-03-28 12:20 am UTC (link)
.... All right then.

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