Justin Finch-Fletchley's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Justin Finch-Fletchley

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Feb 3rd, 1998 [13 May 2008|07:57am]
Haha we should be group sextus

I suppose this little defense experiment could be interesting. A bit unorthodox I suppose, but it shows potential at being better than another stack of essays. We'll see yes?

In other news, that Ravensdale chap from the cursebreaking apprenticeship sent me an owl this morning. He wants to have a sit down during the next Hogsmeade trip. Something about a potential job. I don't know what I'd be doing exactly, but things are looking up in that department.

[Ward to 7th year only D.A. Members, Charms Club Member, Ancient Runes Club Members, and other associated friends]

Additionally, I'm looking for a N.E.W.T study group, what with the tests coming up so quickly. I work better in small groups, yeah? So it'd be ace if I could get with people who are better at different things. I'm pretty decent at Runes and Charms so I can help in those department. Figure the more versatile the group the better. If you're interested in getting together let me know. We'll organize something.


- J. Finch-Fletchley
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