Justin Finch-Fletchley's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Justin Finch-Fletchley

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September 22, 1997 || Monday during lunch [27 Dec 2007|10:07pm]
Warded Private to Self )

Welcome ladies and gents, wizards and witches, funny little elves in the kitchen too! Welcome to JFF's journal of incredibly pointless chicken scratch and hallabaloo. Today we'll be playing NAME THAT SONG!

First up is straight out of the muggle blues collection of snazzy cat T-Bone Walker who originally recorded it in 1947. Lyrics go a little something like this:
They call it stormy monday
But tuesdays just as bad.
They call it stormy monday
But tuesdays just as bad.
Lord, and wednesdays worse
And thursdays all so sad.

What's your guess? What's your guess? Let's go... Let's go. Haven't got all day ...
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