Justin Finch-Fletchley's Journal [entries|friends|calendar]
Justin Finch-Fletchley

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About Justin Finch-Fletchley [24 Dec 2020|04:24pm]
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Storyline for Justin Finch-Fletchley [24 Dec 2020|04:14pm]
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Feb 3rd, 1998 [13 May 2008|07:57am]
Haha we should be group sextus

I suppose this little defense experiment could be interesting. A bit unorthodox I suppose, but it shows potential at being better than another stack of essays. We'll see yes?

In other news, that Ravensdale chap from the cursebreaking apprenticeship sent me an owl this morning. He wants to have a sit down during the next Hogsmeade trip. Something about a potential job. I don't know what I'd be doing exactly, but things are looking up in that department.

[Ward to 7th year only D.A. Members, Charms Club Member, Ancient Runes Club Members, and other associated friends]

Additionally, I'm looking for a N.E.W.T study group, what with the tests coming up so quickly. I work better in small groups, yeah? So it'd be ace if I could get with people who are better at different things. I'm pretty decent at Runes and Charms so I can help in those department. Figure the more versatile the group the better. If you're interested in getting together let me know. We'll organize something.


- J. Finch-Fletchley
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Janary 3, 1998 - Saturday || After Lunch [12 Apr 2008|11:52am]
I owe everyone on these journals an apology for my misconduct in a certain entry posted in the early mornings of January 1, 1998. I'd obviously had far too much to drink and was dealing with some personal issues that should have never been made public. It got really bad rather quickly and - I don't remember writing in this damned thing at all. I was in the middle of packing when I found it and well- I apologize for any insult that may have been the product of my irresponsible alcoholic intake.

I am incredibly sorry and completely understand if this situation causes you to want to physically harm me. I'd appreciate it if you didn't, but if it's the only way to make things even we'll talk technicalities later.

Anyway, this is my public apology and admittance that I am in fact an idiot. Take it or leave it - there it is.

Justin Finch-Fletchley
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January 1, 1998 - New Years [10 Apr 2008|11:48am]
This page has been ripped out of the journal along with all of the comments made on it.
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December 16, 1997 | Tuesday | Before Dinner [25 Mar 2008|01:14pm]
Ward to Garrick Summerby )

Well, I'm ready to get the bloody hell out of here!
I'm thinking I'm so ready I might just pack tonight.
Or someone should pack for me. I'll pay.....in hugs.

- J. Finch-Fletchley.

P.S. Ward to Hufflepuff Boys )
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December 9th, 1997 - Tuesday - During Breakfast [18 Mar 2008|07:33am]
Warded Private )

Exams this week.....are going to be murder.

- J. Finch-Fletchley.

P.S. 8 more days till freedom!!

P.P.S. Who's walking with me to Defense?
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December 3, 1997 - During Study Hall [12 Mar 2008|09:51am]
[Against Professors & Prefects who'd rat]

Who: You
What: Zach Smith's Birthday Celebration
When: December 5, 1997 | 19:00-00:00
Where: TBA (If interested let me know and I'll cue you in)

There'll be free food, booze, entertainment and general hoorah.

[Against the above & Zacharias]

I know some of you aren't keen on my mate - but I've got a lot of food & beverages coming and it'd be a shame for it to go to waste. If you must, think of it as a Pre-Exam party before we all implode. Gifts are optional.

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December 1, 1997 - Monday - During Study Hall [10 Mar 2008|10:37am]
The apprenticeship ends this friday.... What happens if no one cracks the challenge?

Ward to Hufflepuffs minus Zacharias )

Ward to Zacharias )

- J. Finch-Fletchley
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November 28, 1997 - Friday [07 Mar 2008|07:58pm]
Which ever one of you assholes fine people returned my notebook - Thank you. Now if you could I'd like the missing pages back. You're not cute You know, whenever you're through stealing my work....killing my soul....destroying my life.... ruining the justice in the world....and depleting the ozone layer with your LIES!!!

No rush or anything. Take your time. That'd be great. Yup.

- J. Finch-Fletchley
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November 25, 1997 - Tuesday - 9:09PM [04 Mar 2008|06:04pm]

Warded To Self )

Ward to Apprenticeship Challengers )

Quidditch injuries have nothing on this sadistic cursebreaking apprenticeship.

- J. Finch-Fletchley.
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November 11, 1997 - During Study Hall [19 Feb 2008|06:01pm]
Private to self )

Will you marry me?
Check yes or no.

- J. Finch-Fletchley
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November 2, 1997 - Sunday [10 Feb 2008|05:49pm]
I'd just like to point out that .... the team that played the best yesterday was by far Gryffindor. If it wasn't for Malfoy and his goon Slytherin would have failed miserably. I mean if you calculated passes to interceptions and the general play of each team member individually without the biased result of the snitch....Slytherin was getting awfully sloppy near the end.

That said, I know losings terrible, but you Gryffindor lot really shouldn't feel bad about how you played. It was a brill game! Slytherin...just got lucky....unfortunately.

x Justin FF.

P.S. Warded Private )
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October 30, 1997 - Thursday After Lunch [07 Feb 2008|05:04pm]
So....that Ravensdale chap is....interesting. I had my meeting with him before lunch today. All was good for the most part. I've a feeling the final challenge we've all been prepping for will be twice as interesting. Yup. I'm determined to get this damned apprenticeship! DETERMINED!!! MacDoudougal and Vaisey doesn't have a bloody chance!

In other news the mask I got for the ball looks pretty wicked. I finally charmed the features exactly the way I want it. It's a surprise though so .... no peeks or pictures to share at the moment. I'm kind of glad I don't have to think up any kind of fantastic costume - my brain's a bit fried as it is considering the massive overload.

Alright, I'm done. Just remember the next 48 hours will be great - no if's and's or butt's mates.

x. Justin
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October 6, 1997 || Monday - Breakfast [13 Jan 2008|03:31am]
All I have to say on the matter of recent events is: It's about damn time.

In other news:
- I have no classes today.
- I'm sick of the library.
- Things have been looking up.
- Probably going for a run before study hall.
- Yes, I'm going to write in note form.

x. Justin F.
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September 23, 1997 || Tuesday - After dinner [01 Jan 2008|04:40pm]
Warded to self )

Clearly there's some asshatery in our midst. I believe it was baked in a casserole dish of unfortunate circumstances by none other than God himself. It's a shame really that such an abomination has been let loose on the world. However, being kind and just as I am - I'll learn to live with it after I break it's face and bash it's head in with a bludger's bat.

I've decided September's just not a good month this year. Mines not being too kind these days - I think it's because I feed it generic food and water from the tap. I'm hoping if I change it's diet things will start looking up.

The weekend will be better.
x. Justin F.

P.S. Who wants to write my charms essay due tomorrow?
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September 22, 1997 || Monday during lunch [27 Dec 2007|10:07pm]
Warded Private to Self )

Welcome ladies and gents, wizards and witches, funny little elves in the kitchen too! Welcome to JFF's journal of incredibly pointless chicken scratch and hallabaloo. Today we'll be playing NAME THAT SONG!

First up is straight out of the muggle blues collection of snazzy cat T-Bone Walker who originally recorded it in 1947. Lyrics go a little something like this:
They call it stormy monday
But tuesdays just as bad.
They call it stormy monday
But tuesdays just as bad.
Lord, and wednesdays worse
And thursdays all so sad.

What's your guess? What's your guess? Let's go... Let's go. Haven't got all day ...
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GJ Memories [24 Dec 2007|12:59pm]
Memories of you )
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