→ it's so WONDERFUL.

the world ends in you and I ♡


oh? → Naoto


June 15th, 2020

☠ 000.

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oh? → Naoto
This journal is semi friends-only. Most of it will be public, I'm sure... but there will be the odd locked entry.

Anyway, comment to be added to be able to read all of the boring that is my life. ♥

July 5th, 2008

☠ 005.

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oh? → Naoto
Final Fantasy Tactics A2: Why Square isn't allowed to dress themselves anymore.

What is that even supposed to be. Seriously. My boyfriend and I sat there staring at that official art for a few minutes trying to figure out what the fuck and came up with nothing.

Also, PERSONA 4 DECEMBER 9TH. I'm excited.

July 1st, 2008

☠ 004.

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my own clone! → Joshua & ... Joshua
Um, I made a writing community.



☠ 003.

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full of fail → Neku
It totally figures that I discover how neat Facebook is the week of my Field Botany final.

I thought people were exaggerating when they told me that, like... everyone had one, but...

Also, it needs to be Friday so I can see my boyfriend again. ♥

June 16th, 2008

☠ 002.

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oh? → Naoto
summer '08 goals. )
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