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Katima Sers

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Sun been down for days... [30 Apr 2010|11:26pm]
As it had on Okara the dawn found Katima and Alerron too soon, its warm rays painting shadows onto her rose-hued form as it tangled with Alerron's orange one.  She lingered with him, unwilling to leave.  It wasn't as though she'd never see him again but that, it seemed, was the problem.

Well over a full day since she left the high school grounds Katima returned home, surprised at how still everything seemed.
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Test Scene [23 Mar 2010|05:59pm]
Indigo. The color of compassion. It may have been her charge, but Katima Sers of Korugar wasn't just a wielder of the Indigo Light. She was a teenager and like most teenagers, she valued two things pretty much above all others in her free time: pizza and hanging out. So it was with both in mind when she landed feet on Henry's doorstep, a piping hot pepperoni pie from DiAngelo's in one hand, the other banging on the door.
Besides...offering pizza to a Green Lantern was compassionate, right? Especially a cute one.
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