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just a wannabe big brother

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This is only a test [01 Mar 2008|02:22am]
If this were a real journal entry, you'd be very very bored.
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[01 Mar 2008|02:45pm]
I hate waiting for an RPG to start, especially when I'm not really sure it's going to get off the ground at all.

On the subject of things that irritate me about RPGs, I think the obsessive focus most journal based games place on icons is absurd. If I had my way, every journal in every game would have one icon, and that would be it. I'm not saying that well made icons aren't nice to look at, but it seems like some players spend so much time making sure that they have a PB that matches their character perfectly and that they have an icon to cover every single mood their character might have, that they start forgetting that it's the quality of your writing that matters, not the quality of your graphics.
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[ viewing | March 1st, 2008 ]
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