[it would be good if this day was just like any other day, get up, work, work some more and then check by his brother's house to make sure everything was okay and then return home for a nights rest. today was that one time of the year that he hated. the anniversary of his father's death. normal families would go to the cemetery and pay their respects, have a drink or two and a dinner in honor but not when you were born to the father of one of the more powerful heads of organized crime in the city. it was bad enough that you had to be reminded by his lieutenants that you were a traitor to the family in the grand scale coming together of the men under his control but to be trailed by your own, two undercover officers easily picked watching him throughout the day. born into a family and no matter what you done, you were always persecuted by it, regardless of innocence.]
[now the rest of the night was free, taking to a local bar holding his own commemoration for him, cracking the seal on the second bottle of whiskey and pouring it into the glass that long lost its ice.] Cheers. [raises to glass up to no one but the row of bottles across the back wall, knocking down the drink no longer feeling the burn. everything was comfortably numb.]
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