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Senju Hashirama ([info]codefive) wrote,
@ 2010-05-30 17:10:00

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[it would be good if this day was just like any other day, get up, work, work some more and then check by his brother's house to make sure everything was okay and then return home for a nights rest. today was that one time of the year that he hated. the anniversary of his father's death. normal families would go to the cemetery and pay their respects, have a drink or two and a dinner in honor but not when you were born to the father of one of the more powerful heads of organized crime in the city. it was bad enough that you had to be reminded by his lieutenants that you were a traitor to the family in the grand scale coming together of the men under his control but to be trailed by your own, two undercover officers easily picked watching him throughout the day. born into a family and no matter what you done, you were always persecuted by it, regardless of innocence.]

[now the rest of the night was free, taking to a local bar holding his own commemoration for him, cracking the seal on the second bottle of whiskey and pouring it into the glass that long lost its ice.] Cheers. [raises to glass up to no one but the row of bottles across the back wall, knocking down the drink no longer feeling the burn. everything was comfortably numb.]

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2010-06-01 05:38 am UTC (link)
... [nods with a little smile, seemingly pleased by the compliment. watches him venture into the bedroom, wondering if she should install one of the bugs in the kitchen now... no, too risky, right? goes to her purse anyway, doesn't need a reason for that, rummaging through it quietly, feeling over the small zipped up enclosure usually intended for feminine products but is holding several small electronic recorders, as well as a transmitter. doesn't know why they can't just have someone do this while he isn't there during the day, but based off how much paperwork is around, maybe he really doesn't leave. but has to wonder also, would a detective like Hashirama who had someone like Madara after him also put cameras inside his home, to make sure someone else didn't? a redundant thought, but a good one. obviously can't be caught setting these up, or Hashirama will never trust her and the whole thing will be ruined before it even begins. hears him rummaging for clothes, and sets her purse down, deciding it's a bit too risky to set something up while he's still awake and moving around, since she's never done this before and doesn't know how long it takes.]

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2010-06-01 06:09 am UTC (link)
[comes back out with a pair of plain sweats, putting them down on the table for her as well as a welcoming smile.] You can use the bedroom or the bathroom adjoining it to get changed. If you want a shower, there is one in there as well or down the hall and second on the left. I should get you some fresh towels. [unfortunately he is not a maid so the washing is dumped on the couch, picking one up and folding it the best he could, handing that over as well.] I user fabric softener so it feels good.

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2010-06-01 06:14 am UTC (link)
I'll steal a shower in the morning. [picks up the offered clothes, just casually going into the bedroom and leaving the door open, changing with her back facing it, in clear view of any peepers. isn't trying to be tempting, just doesn't think about it because there's nothing sexy about putting on a man's pajamas. or a bra and underwear, since they're just a plain, solid black. men don't care unless it's frilly, right?]

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2010-06-01 06:22 am UTC (link)
[yes.. no... yes... just be a dirty drunken man and look. tries ever so discreetly to look over in the direction of the open room, almost gawking at her back when the dress came off. toned perfectly, simple black underwear, who was this angel? this makes below want to be happy. how long has it been since you have had a real woman and not your hand? far too long. bites his lip and tries to look away before he is caught, wondering if he should be a man and go in there and try to help not that getting dressed into that required help or give her the space and be a gentleman. she left the door open and... no he won't do it. as hard as it is, he quickly moved away from the door and back to his coffee to finish it up, putting the cups in the sink.]

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2010-06-01 06:31 am UTC (link)
[finishes changing, unknowing that someone caught a peek, still pretty sure men only want to see the flashy stuff. as predicted the clothes are really loose, and had to tie the drawstring as tight as it could go, the sleeves hanging past her hands, needing to be bunched up, and the collar showing way more collarbone that it should.] I feel... like I'm drowning in these. [shuffles into the kitchen, pulling on the loose fabric of the pants to keep from tripping over them. knew she had a small body frame but... feels like a kid in their father's clothes.]

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2010-06-01 06:35 am UTC (link)
That's because you are pocket sized. [and look so, so cute in them. wants to hug and squish you. this temptation is cruel, should have gave her... nothing really. wife cleaned him out so nothing of hers left.] Just be careful not to fall over. [will put an arm around her from behind just to make sure... better safe than sorry and all that.] Your waist is tiny.

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2010-06-01 06:45 am UTC (link)
I'm tiny. [agrees, noticing Hashirama likes to hold her waist a lot. wonders if it feels nice, to embrace someone like that. most people would hesitate or think it improper, but has always felt that if someone is comfortable enough to do something in front of you, you should feel comfortable enough to do it in return, or something of equal value. get what you give, right? doesn't pick up on the "I want to have sex with you right now" vibe, either, because he would be much more touchy if that was his intention. stills and turns, leaning into his chest and wrapping her little arms around his waist, resting her cheek comfortably against his chest. it does feel nice. protective and possessive almost. remembers he also sniffed her in the cab, so does it in return, catching only the scents of the bar. cigarettes and whiskey. can't really compliment him on that one.] You smell like... an old man.

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2010-06-01 06:57 am UTC (link)
[better than smelling like gun powder, which is actually liked that smell. it was terrible but there was something alluring about it. must be the chemicals in it.] I know, I need to have a shower. Being surrounded by chain smokers and boozers all day long doesn't do good for being hygienic. [that scent is still over her, a bouquet of flowers, so good. maybe just one more of a little sniff... and a small kiss on the pulse line of her neck.]

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2010-06-01 07:01 am UTC (link)
You were there all day, huh. [lets him kiss at her neck, returning it but noticing the cigarette and whiskey smell is stronger there. it's not entirely unpleasant, but not really enticing either.] You can have a shower. Don't let me inconvenience you. I can take the couch, or put the blanket over my head so I don't see anything I'm not supposed to.

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2010-06-01 07:10 am UTC (link)
Actually, that sounds good. [lets go and goes and gets a spare blanket out again, placing it on the couch for her.] If you have fallen asleep went I come out, have a good sleep. [smiles and gives her a nod, going back to his room getting out a change of boxers and heads off into the shower.]

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2010-06-01 03:34 pm UTC (link)
Thank you. [gives him a goodnight kiss on the cheek, and goes over to the couch, testing it with a hand for softness and deciding it's good, a bit worn but nothing uncomfortable. for appearances, settles down and curls into it, waiting until the water is heard. carefully gets up, peeking around the corner to ensure the bathroom door is shut before returning to her purse, making quick work of setting the recorders up in strange hiding places, like behind furniture, one underneath the bed frame, all being careful to make sure the shower is still running. finds the long sleeves are getting in her way, so quickly slips the shirt off, setting it on the bed with all intent to put it back on. is about to set up the transmitter when then water abruptly stops though, turning back toward the bathroom, stuffing the transmitter back into her purse and zipping it shut, fleeing to the couch again with it but... shit, shirt. runs back in for it, hearing the doorknob and... ducks underneath the blankets of his bed sloppily, barely getting them over her shoulders, keeping her back to the door and pretending to sleep soundly in his bed. in just a bra. let's hope he really isn't a rapist.]

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2010-06-01 03:45 pm UTC (link)
[is more on auto pilot mode now, ready for bed. switches the light off in the bathroom and goes through the rest of the house, all in darkness now. comes back to bed and pulls the covers up, trying to slip in there but just flops. going to need pain killers in the morning. is used to having the bed all to himself now, stretching out and over, starfishing. hasn't quiet sunk in that he just put his arm on someone yet, yawning deeply a few times, waiting for sleep to take him.]

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2010-06-01 03:50 pm UTC (link)
... [peeks up a little, wondering if he's trying to be coy or... if he just passed out. stays still, watching him closely in the darkness, wondering if this is a good time to set up the transmitter if he's really passed out, but... for some reason just moves forward, slinking closer to him and curling around his side, so yes that's sudden warm and nude skin against yours, mister.]

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2010-06-01 03:57 pm UTC (link)
[heat source detected. natural instinct is to put an arm around it and pull it in closer, shuffling up, arm around waist. has a good grip there so if anything is going to be planted, it will be from that position.] Shh, sweetie. Go back to sleep. [softly kisses her shoulder after his sleepy mumble, nuzzling his face against her hair.]

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2010-06-01 04:00 pm UTC (link)
Sweetie... [murmurs, remembering when he said she seemed familiar. with Madara's instructions, wonders who it is she's supposed to be imitating, and what they meant to this man. enough to be called sweetie... wonders what happened to this woman, curling fulling around him and draping in arm over him, too, letting him take comfort in thinking she's someone else right now, just so he can sleep peacefully.]

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