... [nods with a little smile, seemingly pleased by the compliment. watches him venture into the bedroom, wondering if she should install one of the bugs in the kitchen now... no, too risky, right? goes to her purse anyway, doesn't need a reason for that, rummaging through it quietly, feeling over the small zipped up enclosure usually intended for feminine products but is holding several small electronic recorders, as well as a transmitter. doesn't know why they can't just have someone do this while he isn't there during the day, but based off how much paperwork is around, maybe he really doesn't leave. but has to wonder also, would a detective like Hashirama who had someone like Madara after him also put cameras inside his home, to make sure someone else didn't? a redundant thought, but a good one. obviously can't be caught setting these up, or Hashirama will never trust her and the whole thing will be ruined before it even begins. hears him rummaging for clothes, and sets her purse down, deciding it's a bit too risky to set something up while he's still awake and moving around, since she's never done this before and doesn't know how long it takes.]
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