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User:clockwork (21504)
Website:i'm on a parallel journey; take me home

my journal

[info]iamthe Jane (Enderverse) of Scribbld.

toyhouse@LJ = layout

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Graphic by Danzo08 userinfo by Zazaone for Profile_layout
Memories1 entry
Interests:1: i have interests
Schools:None listed
People14:amirah, climbingivy, coerulescens, endlight, inkoflemon, justmagic, leanne, parallel, pelagikos, sakuradragonfly, sandglass, sanssommeil, silhouette, thisonething
Mutual Friends:12: amirah, climbingivy, coerulescens, endlight, inkoflemon, justmagic, leanne, parallel, sandglass, sanssommeil, silhouette, thisonething
Account type:Special Early Donator Account
Date created:2008-05-02 15:51:33
Date updated:2009-03-16 11:46:17, 834 weeks ago
Clients used:Web: 2.0.0
Journal entries:58
Comments:Posted: 100 - Received: 111
Posting Access:1: iamthe

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