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clawed_progeny ([info]clawed_progeny) wrote,
@ 2011-04-30 01:50:00

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A Chance Meeting (Four months ago from present)
His men did not understand his personal presence on this mission.  In truth he simply preferred to do things himself, or at the very least contribute to. No matter how far he'd rise in the Hand, he'd never simply rest on his laurels. The cargo he was there to pick up were ancient tomes imported from China, said to have been powerful books of black magic.  Whether they did or not, his lord wanted them, and thus here he was. It was a cold night, but he didn't show it. All he wore was a simple black trenchcoat, he had little use for needless finery. It wasn't as if he was visiting the jonin. Those smugglers had better show up soon or they'd suffer the consequences.

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2011-04-30 04:42 am UTC (link)
"...Of course you are," she says simply. "And nope." Her supposedly empty hand flickers out towards him, sending focused bit of heat his way. "But variety is the spice of life."

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2011-04-30 04:47 am UTC (link)
'This changes things.' Once again he minimized the density of his bones, allowing him to move faster than a normal human as he dodged the coming attack."

"You do not bear his tainted use of our family's legacy. I have no reason to fight you anymore. I apologize though, but I still have a mission to complete." Keiji presses his fingers in a intricate pattern together as he mumbles a few words. It is a spell of paralyzation. Amiko would either have to cover her ears or get out of the spell's range to stop it.

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2011-04-30 04:53 am UTC (link)
What was that? Magic. She wasn't good with magic. And now she was stuck. Her backup had rounded up all of this guy's goons, and retrieved all the other stolen goods, but there was no one close enough to get her back.

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2011-04-30 04:57 am UTC (link)
Keiji walks up to the paralyzed Amiko and removes the book from her hand.

"I apologize for the trick, but I cannot dally here any longer." He presses two fingers to her forehead and mumbles a few new words. "When I am significantly away from you the magic will dispel. I suspect we meet again. Your father will answer for the dishonor brought upon my family. Until then." Keiji gave a traditional Japanese bow to the prone woman before dashing out the back entrance of the warehouse.

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2011-04-30 05:00 am UTC (link)
When the spell wears off, Amiko's snarling "Doesn't anybody ever place the blame for dishonor where it belongs!"

By most accounts, it's a pretty good operation. A lot of smugglers and thugs caught. A lot of stolen items recovered. Only one man and a magic book that didn't really contain much dangerous information gets away.

But Amiko is Not Happy.

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