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clawed_progeny ([info]clawed_progeny) wrote,
@ 2011-06-24 03:43:00

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Heir of the Iron Fist
Keiji was not in a good mood. Apparently in an attempt to form an alliance with him, Lord Yukimura had captured  what he called a "fiery warrior woman" and was offering as a "bride" for him. The crassness of Yukimura galled him on an almost primal level, but Keiji couldn't afford to make an enemy of the man..yet. He'd have to handle this carefully. Perhaps staging an "escape" would be the best course to getting the woman out. First though, he'd have to assess her. He'd need to know if she was actually a warrior or simply a woman with a fiery temper. He stopped in front of the door to her room/cell. He knocks on the door, he has not idea what state of dress the woman may or not be in.

"Miss, may i enter?"

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2011-06-24 05:30 pm UTC (link)
"No. I don't think I would be able to either," she admits. "I don't have any weapons and I highly doubt I could hide any on my person even in that. We might have a better chance of me escaping at the estate."

She stares at it then frowned.

"There's a problem. I don't know how to put that on."

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2011-06-24 05:55 pm UTC (link)
Keiji turns red at the realization. It hadn't escaped his attention that Rose was an attractive young woman and the implication of having to help her with the kimono...

"I..." Damn it, get a hold of yourself. "Forgive me, I hadn't thought that. I'll summon an attendent to help you."

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2011-06-24 06:03 pm UTC (link)
She had blushed a little though in the current lighting that would be hard to notice. He was sort of good looking for someone who outside of this would very well be an enemy.

"Thanks." She toyed with a piece of her hair. "Do you have a solid plan for how to deal with the estate?"

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2011-06-24 06:24 pm UTC (link)
"Yes," Keiji takes a seat across from her. He's happy for the change in subject. "I have it on good authority that a rival of Yukimura, Lord Hidetaka will be launching a raid on the estate. When that happens you'll use it as a distraction to break away from me. I'll chase after you as if in pursuit. You may have to fight your way through Yukimura's enforcers. When the coast is clear, I will guide you outside to where the boat is kept. Questions?"

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2011-06-24 06:47 pm UTC (link)
"What wicked webs your.... friends weave. It makes little sense to attack members of the same organization," she points out shaking her head.

"But it is to my advantage. I can handle enforcers. I just can't take everyone on." No questions she looks very sure of herself.

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2011-06-24 07:09 pm UTC (link)
Keiji nods in agreement. "The Hand has fallen far since it's glory days. The position of jonin is the weakest it's ever been and the Hand Lords are practically powers unto themselves. They constantly jockey for position to be recognized as the mightiest. I can count on one hand how many I consider friends and still have fingers left over."

"That's good. I only ask that, despite how tempting it may be, not to engage in a prolonged fight with Lord Yukimura. While you have every right to desire retibution, he is a Hand Lord and a formidable combatant in his own right. Defeating him would take far too much time, time we can't afford to waste." Keiji allows himself a wry grin. "That's not saying I'm opposed to a quick punch or kick in his face before you escape though."

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2011-06-24 07:28 pm UTC (link)
That's actually kid of sad. She almost feels bad for her 'husband', not that she intends to stay his bride.

"I promise only to break his nose." Rose replies with a cheerful smile. "It may improve his disposition."

And teach him not to drug a Dragon. It is a foolish thing to anger someone who has had her kind of training and background.

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2011-06-24 07:38 pm UTC (link)
Keiji actually laughs a little at that. It's a foreign sound to him as it's not something he was accustomed to doing. While she may not stay his "bride", she was pleasant company. He may miss this kind of interaction when she leaves. Keiji's thoughs are interrupted by a female voice questioning him in Japanese. He replies back before turning to Rose.

"This is Asa, she will help you with your kimono. I will be just outside the door if you need anything." Keiji says before closing the door behind him. True to his word, he's right outside.

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2011-06-24 10:19 pm UTC (link)
Rose just nods. She understands Japanese actually but no one here knows that and it's something she hides. Secret weapon against the Hand.

"Please help me with this," she requests of Asa and then she is helped. Her ribs are paid some mind as there is a big ugly bruise on one side but it doesn't cause Rose too much discomfort.

But she looks good once she is dressed and tries to keep Asa from fussing over her hair. Still it gets pulled up and back no matter how much Rose wishes she wasn't fussed over.

But once she is ready Asa steps out to let Keiji know she has done as asked.

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2011-06-24 10:35 pm UTC (link)
Keiji thanks the attendent and reenters the room. His mouth is slightly agape. "You look stunning Miss Rand." She makes him curse the vows that bound his life. Another time, another place...It didn't matter. The reality couldn't be changed. "Are you prepared?"

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2011-06-24 10:47 pm UTC (link)
That makes her almost smile. It doesn't go far on her face but there is a twinkle in one eye.

"As much as I can be, yes." If he wasn't with the Hand she might have flirted with him a little. She might have enjoyed his reaction and been more in a flirting mood too.

"I can act well enough anyways."

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2011-06-24 11:01 pm UTC (link)
"That's good, the limosuine will be here shortly. Do you want any food or drink before leaving? I promise to test it myself first if you'd like?" Again, a hint of a smile.

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2011-06-24 11:19 pm UTC (link)
"A little bit of something to snack on and some water," she said with a faint nod.

"I haven't had anything in a long time and don't want to be tired out when we get there....You don't need to test it. I'm sure they wouldn't need to drug me right now."

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2011-06-24 11:27 pm UTC (link)
Keiji nods and exits, shutting the door behind me. He was a little annoyed with the extra spring in his step. He wasn't some schoolboy with a crush damn it. A short time later he returns to the cell with the food and water.

"Here you are. Take your time, we have at least fifteen minutes until the car comes to pick us up."

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2011-06-24 11:37 pm UTC (link)
She nodded her thanks as her stomach gurgled. She was obviously more hungry than she had thought. But she sips the water first. She appears pretty disciplined and careful about what she eats and how not wanting to appear sloppy since it would reflect badly on her.

"I understand."

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2011-06-24 11:57 pm UTC (link)
"Miss Rand, there's no need for decorum. There's no one judging how you eat." He gave her what he hoped was a comforting smile.

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2011-06-25 12:39 am UTC (link)
'In here? Of course not. But out there is different and I will need to watch myself... I would rather not find myself stuck here for too long," she says simply.

"Anything to make this run more smoothly." She leans back slightly. "I do wonder though what Lord Yukimura was thinking. If he knows who I am he should know my family and my team wouldn't let me remain missing."

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2011-06-25 01:03 am UTC (link)
"I've been thinking about that and I think I figured his reasoning out. You weren't a gift to me, you were a pretext for your parents to destroy me for Yukimura. Pretty smart, didn't think the bastard had it in him."

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2011-06-25 01:10 am UTC (link)
Sneaky bastard, Rose thinks.

"It's a sound plan. After all, my parents would do anything to get me back once they find out something went wrong. Of course by the time they might suspect something I'll be in the US ready to phone home."

She does though plan on taking Yukimura out at a latter date. "Keep him alive for a while longer. I think I might enjoy handling him at a latter date my style."

Women can be vicious. And Rose is feeling as if she should do something special for someone who tried to make her a slave.

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2011-06-25 01:21 am UTC (link)
Keiji smiles a devious grin. "I think I can hold off on any immediate retribution." He glances at his watch. "Speaking of which, it's time to go. Shall we?" He extends his arm for her to take it.

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