Keiji gives her a stern look, but hopes his eyes are able to convey an appreciation of her restraint before turning to Yukimura.
"In fact if not for my mutant abilities she may very well have cracked my skull." Keiji informed, though he sounded annoyed there was also a hint of admiration.
"Indeed? Forgive me, Deathstrike-sama. If I had known she'd give you so much trouble I would have broken her myself, first." Yukimura's look conveys more than mer lechery, but a hint of genuine danger. Despite his bulk, his movements were fluid as he made a show of extending his arms toward his banquet. "Impressive, no? That boor, Hidetaka, could never hold this sort of part. Wouldn't you agree Deathstrike-sama."
"Everyone has their own talents, Yukimura-sama. Though Hidetaka-sama's has never been the partying sort."
As they spoke, two more limosuines arrived. If Yukimura was large, the figure that exited the first car was massive. The man had a build reminiscent of a sumo wrestler, wearing a westernized suit. As if in contradiction to his formidable bulk, the man's face seemed almost cherubic with a pleasant smile on it. From the second car came a much smaller man, also in a western suit. This man wore a pair sunglasses, despite the lateness of the day, a stylized cane in his right hand. The big man saw Keiji and gave an almost childlike wave. Keiji gave a polite smile and returned the gesture.
"If you'll excuse me, Deathstrike-sama, I must see to my other guests." Yukimura gave another leer at Rose before walking to the two men.
Keiji muttered under his breath, though loud enough for Rose to hear. "Clever son of a bitch." Keiji's voice held a hint of grudging admiration and disgust.
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