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c l a r i c e ([info]clarabella) wrote,
@ 2008-01-20 01:04:00

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She's so--
Stupid, so stupid
----And she won't listen and what if
-Bwahhh I need to get out

Hugh and Sarah please avoid the following text:

I have the weekend off and need to go out. And do things like get pissed and laid! SADLY, NEITHER HAS HAPPENED IN QUITE A BIT GOD

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2008-01-20 07:34 am UTC (link)
I hope I'm not avoiding that text because you can't stand to see my appallingly horrible face or tolerate my dismal personality.

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2008-01-20 07:37 am UTC (link)
Noooooooo, I love your adorable face and your bubbly personality! But I shall be talking of things that go on in a single girl's life that her brother and wonderful wife should avoid.

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2008-01-20 07:41 am UTC (link)
I resent this! You make us sound all old and codgery. I, if not Hugh also to some extent, am aware completely of what goes on in the life of a single girl!

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2008-01-20 07:42 am UTC (link)
But ewwwww, you're not allowed to think about that stuff anymore! That's just wrong.

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2008-01-20 07:46 am UTC (link)
Are you attempting to say that I am not still hip and with-it? We're a very cool married couple that is there to go out with our sister when she needs help picking up men.

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2008-01-20 07:50 am UTC (link)
I think the cuteness you and Hugh exude would totally ruin the sexy affect I'm trying to give off.

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2008-01-20 07:55 am UTC (link)
I'm totally not sure whether or not to take that as a compliment.

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