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c l a r i c e ([info]clarabella) wrote,
@ 2008-01-06 13:03:00

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Ϟ enchanted


1955— Born!

NAME; Clara Catalina Belby
NEE; Abbot
NICKNAME; Clarabell
BIRTHDAY; May 16th, 1955
AGE; 28
BLOOD; Halfblood
OCCUPATION; Boutique Manager / Wedding Planner
Clara wants her name in lights. She wants to be famous, she wants to be able to boss people around, and she wants to have a big closet that you need to categorize by color, season, year, and whatever else you could possibly organize clothes by. But, the thing is, you've got to be able to act, or sing, or be ten meters tall and weigh a kilogram to make it these days, and Clara simply does not have those skills. She's short, a little on the dumpy side (or at least, that's what people call it, she likes to say she's curvy, thank you very much), and makes dogs howl with her voice. So what's the next best thing to being a celebrity? Hanging around them all day!

Her job as a personal assistant has taken her all over the world, which is something not many people can say. She's a very organized person (much to the surprise of her siblings) and often schedules events for the day, week, month, to the very minute, almost always perfectly executing them. One day she'd like to run her own agency, but for now she likes living off the high life of her clients with her best friend Oliver Bennet. They go to parties, get to sample the latest fashions, and get all the juicy gossip, enough to last a lifetime (but never enough!)

Does she want to settle down one day? Sometimes. Well! She looks at Hugh and Sarah and gets that wonderful gooey feeling about getting married, and then she goes out to a club and remembers she's still young and has a lot of time. But who knows! You shouldn't pass up true love, right? If it happens to hit her head on, then so be it, but if that doesn't happen for another ten years or so, Clara wouldn't mind.

A normal life for a begrudgingly normal girl. Clara could brag that she spent her holidays in Spain, but, really. When some of her classmates had millions and millions of galleons that could take them anywhere in the world, well. She didn't see anything really special about their house. Growing up as a middle child did not help Clara with her self-esteem issues. Hugh was smart and funny, Chloe was the baby with a spunky attitude that everyone liked, and her? She was just Clara. Not really tall, not short, just another blonde in the sea of them at Hogwarts. People soon found it was easy enough to get her to do anything they needed and wanted from her, as she was so desperate to impress. Her years at Hogwarts are flooded with missed parties because of homework assignments and just long, lonely nights because of the excess of projects she took on.

Clara's saving grace was her best friend, Joceline Shimpling. She and Joceline have been inseparable since their first year, and when Joceline was forced into a marriage, Clara (even though she had her doubts) was there to be supportive throughout it all. When Joceline's marriage turned sour, and even violent Clara struggled to continuing supporting her friend's decision to stay in the violent environment. Finally, things came to a head when Marcus, Joceline's husband, attacked Clara, and finally Joceline was able to see the truth.

In another surprising development, the man that Clara had been dating for a few months, Emmet Belby, randomly proposed the morning of April Fool's. Clara was in too much of a shock to question anything and she immediately accepted. Of course, for the first few weeks after the marriage she was stunned at her quick elopement and wondered if she'd made the right decision, but so far they're having a lovely time with Emmet's nearly year old son, Marcus.
HOUSE; Hufflepuff, Class of 1973
WAND; larch, 11'', unicorn hair
CLUBS; Drama Club

History of Magic;
Muggle Studies;
PARENTS; Henry Abbott and Sally (nee Jackson)
SIBLINGS; Hugh Abbott and Chloe Dingle
OTHER; Pilar Abbott (nee Rodriguez), step-mother; Sarah Abbott, sister-in-law; Hannah Abbott, niece; Seymour Dingle, brother-in-law; Harold Dingle, nephew
STATUS; Emmet Belby, married 4.1.1979
CHILDREN; Marcus Riley (step-son, 10.5.1978), Lucy Adelina (9.16.1980)
FRIENDS; Wendy Midgen, Geoffrey Brand, Psyke Bardera
PB; Elisha Cuthbert
THEME; Enchanted by Taylor Swift
THREADS; @ valesco

FLAVORS; 00/25
DISCLAIMER; HP belongs to JKR! ♥

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