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c l a r i c e ([info]clarabella) wrote,
@ 2008-08-01 14:21:00

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[PRIVATE] So--I had to get a second journal JUST for Psyke and her wedding. I mean---okay, I understand I mean--I've always wanted a big wedding too, but it's like. I give her ideas and then it's automatically NO and like...then she'll end up liking what I originally laid out and---ugh. I mean--plus she's got the boutique opening in September which I really hope she---well I did put in my resume and I mean--it's been like two years Jesus--- So. I mean. Yeah. Can't wait for August 30th, but even then I'm sure I'll still be cleaning up from the party and making sure people aren't drunk enough to get home. Lots of side-along apparating uugghgfjgndf[/PRIVATE]

[EMMET] I know your friend just--I mean. Well this could be something nice right-- Hey hey I know I haven't really been home but while I have ten minutes (maybe!) I wanted to say hi and mention the idea of---well it's probably just all this wedding stuff, but I was thinking once everything calms down, we could, you know, have our own little thing? My brain is constantly buzzing with ideas I think you'd like and---I mean our families really haven't met like they should but! OH if we do it later, we could make it a big celebration for Marcus' birthday too! I don't know I'm just rambling, but! Yes! I wanted to tell you before I forgot and passed out tonight. [/EMMET]

Who knew that pink and orange could be so visually appealing?

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