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c l a r i c e ([info]clarabella) wrote,
@ 2008-08-01 14:21:00

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[PRIVATE] So--I had to get a second journal JUST for Psyke and her wedding. I mean---okay, I understand I mean--I've always wanted a big wedding too, but it's like. I give her ideas and then it's automatically NO and like...then she'll end up liking what I originally laid out and---ugh. I mean--plus she's got the boutique opening in September which I really hope she---well I did put in my resume and I mean--it's been like two years Jesus--- So. I mean. Yeah. Can't wait for August 30th, but even then I'm sure I'll still be cleaning up from the party and making sure people aren't drunk enough to get home. Lots of side-along apparating uugghgfjgndf[/PRIVATE]

[EMMET] I know your friend just--I mean. Well this could be something nice right-- Hey hey I know I haven't really been home but while I have ten minutes (maybe!) I wanted to say hi and mention the idea of---well it's probably just all this wedding stuff, but I was thinking once everything calms down, we could, you know, have our own little thing? My brain is constantly buzzing with ideas I think you'd like and---I mean our families really haven't met like they should but! OH if we do it later, we could make it a big celebration for Marcus' birthday too! I don't know I'm just rambling, but! Yes! I wanted to tell you before I forgot and passed out tonight. [/EMMET]

Who knew that pink and orange could be so visually appealing?

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2008-08-01 08:13 pm UTC (link)
Mum used to dress me in pink all the time. Amazingly, my hair didn't clash too badly with it.

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2008-08-01 09:48 pm UTC (link)
Ohh, yes that had to be very cute! Remind me to pick up more pink things for Marietta...even though...kind of went overboard with the pink when she was born, but still.

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2008-08-03 02:23 am UTC (link)
She appreciates the overboard of pink! Because she will enjoy it when I send you an overboard amount of blue! And when she sees Marcus wearing it at her birthday!

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2008-08-02 12:14 am UTC (link)
What about Christmas? For a wedding. i'm just not...really in the mood for another right now. Not thay I won't help out with Smith's, but yeah.

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2008-08-02 12:19 am UTC (link)
Oh! No, no, I didn't mean now, there's no way I'd be able to-- just--throwing out ideas and things and what not. Christmas! Christmas is--doable. I think I think that could work! That'd be really nice, actually.

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2008-08-02 12:54 am UTC (link)
And I suppose we could have a party for Marcus with our families. Don't expect much help from them though. Mine, at least.

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2008-08-02 01:30 am UTC (link)
Right, right well we should do this before then--still haven't- I'll start looking at things!

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2008-08-02 05:41 am UTC (link)
Is it?

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2008-08-02 06:10 am UTC (link)

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2008-08-02 05:49 am UTC (link)
Ughh, I could have sworn that you dressed me in those colours one time when we were young!

[CLARA] CLARA. I need help. [/CLARA]

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2008-08-02 06:11 am UTC (link)
I always did have good fashion sense.

[CHLOE] What's up?? [/CHLOE]

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2008-08-02 06:29 am UTC (link)
So I'm sitting at home like I have been doing every day since summer began and it stuck me that most of um EVERYONE has already been employed or promised employment and I'm just sitting here taking up space AND AND


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2008-08-02 11:19 am UTC (link)
Oh oh-- Well! Not everyone figures out what they want to do with the rest of their life right away! I mean, I'm not going to be a personal assistant forever oh dear God I hope not--- this is just until I catch my break.

Hey! Why don't you be my assistant while I run around mad for the Smith wedding! I could pay you and it'd stop me having having a nervous breakdown and we'll be able to hang out together!

And it'd only be until the end of the summer, so then you could look for another job during the time and...yeah!

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