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c l a r i c e ([info]clarabella) wrote,
@ 2008-03-21 16:15:00

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[EMMET] I need to get out of my flat before I go bat shit, even if this means hanging around Ollivander's for hours, is that okay? I don't want to bug you, but I want to--- it is of the utmost dire need. [/EMMET]

I don't think I've done an easter egg hunt since third year.

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2008-03-21 09:50 pm UTC (link)
Me neither.

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2008-03-21 10:05 pm UTC (link)
Then you and your fiance should come over to my flat on Sunday and help Marietta. Because I really doubt she's going to be able to find all of the eggs.

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2008-03-21 09:54 pm UTC (link)
That's funny, Marcus and I were just deciding what to order for lunch. I think he'd like it if you brought some curry to share. He really likes Thai iced tea.

Only not really because the last time I joked about this Mackenzie nearly tore my head off, he doesn't eat anything except babythings that she's approved of.

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2008-03-21 10:07 pm UTC (link)
Mm, he's got such good taste, that one. And people need to calm down, you're not incompetent.

All right, I am going to be annoying and have my journal open while I'm on line and ordering, so I think you should avoid doing much else besides waiting for my responses.

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2008-03-21 10:13 pm UTC (link)
He does, it's a wonder where he picked it up from. And yeah, but the goal is 17 and we're only on like. .4 here.

Well, I wasn't doing much anyway, we've met our quota of polished wands for the day.

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2008-03-21 10:17 pm UTC (link)
.4 is a lot further than a few people I know could get!

Ooh, all right, that's good, getting things done early. Psyke and her boyfriend are house shopping and it's just safer to say I'm busying myself with catalog orders (which I actually have done, but--) than getting into the middle of all that crazy.

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2008-03-21 10:37 pm UTC (link)
Me too, coincidentally. You have met Caradoc, right?

Staying out of anything that nutty is probably a good idea, lest they bring you into it to break an argument or something.

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2008-03-21 10:50 pm UTC (link)
Not long enough to have any sort of opinion---yeah, no, you're right. About five minutes is enough. :)

I know. I already get the brunt end of her rants and sometimes she's ridiculous, but I mean, I can't exactly tell my boss that, so I start prattling things off in Spanish and she gets all pfffft and stops. Or tries to get her sister-in-law to respond but that usually ends up in a fight and I slip on out.

Want to create inter-family chaos, Clara Abbott's your girl!

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2008-03-21 11:09 pm UTC (link)
Marietta's quite excited to wear her easter outfit. And I'm resisting the temptation to dress her up like a little bunny rabbit. Her dress is much cuter.

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2008-03-21 11:12 pm UTC (link)
Joceline. You have to do both!

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2008-03-21 11:14 pm UTC (link)
Really? Both? Well...which does she wear during egg searching? The bunny suit or the dress? Because it's dirty outside. and she can't very well get her nice dress messy. But the bunny suit is white.

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2008-03-21 11:18 pm UTC (link)
Joceline. She's five months old, she can't even crawl, let alone search for eggs. There is no worry about getting her clothes dirty outside.

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2008-03-21 11:27 pm UTC (link)
I'm not completely daft I know that she can't I know she can't crawl but. She'll have to change at some point if she's going to wear both. So which one during egg hunting? The bunny suit or her dress?

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