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Dancing with Dragonflies

Chasing the dragonfly, dancing with light, my eyes fixed on shimmering wings, my heart in flight. On the edge of a lily pad
lands the dragonfly, tail like a blue thread loosened from the sky. And what is a butterfly, you ask? At best, he is but a caterpillar, finely dressed. A dragonfly captures the soul and mind, all this in only a moment of time.
~ Chasing Dragonflies

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Dear Dogs & Cats [Saturday, February 9th 2008]
Dear Dogs and Cats,

The dishes with the paw print are yours and contain your food. The other dishes are mine and contain my food. Please note, placing a paw print in the middle of my plate does not stake a claim for it, nor do I find that aesthetically pleasing in the slightest.

The stairway was not designed by NASCAR and is not a racetrack. Beating me to the bottom is not the object. Tripping me doesn't help because I fall faster than you can run.

I cannot buy anything bigger than a king sized bed. I am very sorry about this. Do not think I will continue sleeping on the couch to ensure your comfort. Dogs and cats can actually curl up in a ball when they sleep. It is not necessary to sleep perpendicular to each other stretched out to the fullest extent possible. I also know that sticking tails straight out and having tongues hanging out the other end to maximize space is nothing but sarcasm.

For the last time, there is not a secret exit from the bathroom. If by some miracle I beat you there and manage to get the door shut, it is not necessary to claw, whine, meow, try to turn the knob or get your paw under the edge and try to pull the door open. I must exit through the same door I entered. Also, I have been using the bathroom for years --canine or feline attendance is not required..

The proper order is kiss me, then go smell the other dog or cat's butt. I cannot stress this enough!

To pacify you, my dear pets, I have posted the following message on our front door:

To All Non-Pet Owners Who Visit & Like to Complain About Our Pets:

1. They live here. You don't.
2. If you don't want their hair on your clothes, stay off the furniture. (That's why they call it 'fur'niture.)
3. I like my pets a lot better than I like most people.
4. To you, it's an animal. To me, they are adopted children who are short, hairy, walk on all fours and don't speak clearly.

Remember: Dogs and cats are better than kids because they:

1. Eat less
2. Don't ask for money all the time
3 Are easier to train
4. Normally come when called
5. Never ask to borrow the car
6. Don't hang out with drug-using friends
7. Don't smoke or drink
8. Don't have to buy the latest fashions
9. Don't want to wear your clothes
10. Don't need a gazillion dollars for college, and...
11. If they get pregnant, you can sell their children.

inspiration [Friday, February 1st 2008]
A friend posted this yesterday, and I thought it was just amazing and inspiring. This professor is dying of cancer, and giving a last lecture to his students about life, how to live, and what is really important. It sounds a bit depressing, but it's actually a really uplifting speech.

Watch it here.

Really, really incredible.

Virtual Friendships [Saturday, January 26th 2008]
[Error: Invalid poll ID 1127829]

The T*E*S*S [Thursday, January 10th 2008]
**RING** I look up from my dinner. Who would call the Border Breeder From Hell at suppertime? I check the caller id. It's a local call. No mercy. Had they called from different time zone, I might have considered commuting their sentence...

"Yes." Hello is too good for this loser. This should be the first hint... )


Ba-Hum-Bug [Wednesday, December 26th 2007]
Xmas was somewhat.. blasé this year. My sister and her husband moved to Wyoming earlier in the year, so it was just us and my parents (and the dogs). It did snow, though, which was nice (and unexpected). I began to realize, this year, that part of the reason this time of year doesn't hold the same allure that it used to, is that all of us are grown-ups - there are no kids running around, laughing and playing, the excitement and wonder reflected in their eyes. We don't have kids, and my sister and her husband don't have kids (oddly, I am 'fixed' and so is her husband). None of us want them, either, but they do bring a certain magnetism to the season that adults just can't duplicate. Maybe this is because they don't have to contend with the extra traffic, the last-minute shopping, the nasty weather.. or it could be because, as children, they still believe in all the magic that we, as adults, spend so much time and effort to create. We see the puppet strings and the lighting, everything behind the curtain, but all they see is the show. Or maybe it's because they remind us of a time when we still believed..

I always find this season exhausting. It starts before Halloween (my favorite holiday), when snowmen and red ribbons start popping up in the stores, and commercials begin talking about 'the holidays'. Even though there are several holidays throughout the year, the term 'the holidays' somehow only refers to Thanksgiving and Christmas - being an atheist, I often replace 'Christmas' with 'Xmas' (since it's really just a stolen Pagan holiday anyway, and has nothing to do with 'Christ') and I stopped celebrating Thanksgiving almost 15 years ago, when a very close friend of mine was killed on Thanksgiving Day, and when I began to really comprehend what the quote-unquote 'founders' of our country did to the Native Americans. Like most people born in America, I have an undermined amount of Native American blood (on my father's side), but it has nothing to do with that. I simply cannot bring myself to celebrate genocide, no matter how much turkey and dressing is crammed down my throat.. and I can't spend an evening in shameless abundance when the true forefathers of this land are left with scraps. A land that was so easy to take from them because they weren't arrogant enough to believe that they owned it. I see it as a day of mourning, not a day of celebration.. mourning those who were killed, as well as those who lived, for all that we could have learned if they hadn't been so greedy.

The greed continues today, as people drive like bats out of hell through stormy winter weather to get that perfect gift, to put one more present under the tree, another sweater or pair of fancy sneakers, another thing they don't need, when there are people freezing to death, without shoes or a warm coat or even a place to sleep. And I don't understand the notion of donating time and money once a year, as if Christmas is the only time they are in need. It's a lovely gesture, but it's not enough. The holidays just seem like such a farce to me, such a fallacy. I really just want no part of it.. and when people ask me what I 'want' this time of year, my mind truly goes blank. The things I want are not things one can freely give.. but since so many have asked, these are the things I want.. )

Bad day... [Monday, December 24th 2007]
The day started out fine, until we got in the Jeep to run to the store to get coffee.. I noticed that the stereo was cutting out ~ odd, since I replaced it less than a year ago. Then, as I'm fucking with it, trying to get it to stop cutting out, I smell the dreaded burning electronics smell. So, I go back to the house, turn off the Jeep and disconnect the fuse to the stereo. I called the place that installed my stereo earlier this year and told them what was going on, and they told me to bring it in... they installed a new one, and said there must be a leak somewhere (um, yeah, it's a soft top Jeep!) and that was probably what caused the problem. I didn't go to the trouble to ask how a water leak could have caused the wires to melt.. I'm not keen on taking advice from people when I had to bring my Jeep in three times just to get them to screw the dash back on correctly. The manager actually said to me the last time I brought her in that 'you'll have us fixing every last rattle on this Jeep yet!' I looked him straight in the face and told him that I know every rattle and noise my Jeep makes, including the ones that weren't there before they got their hands on her. Fuckers. If I wanted a quiet ride, I'd borrow my parents' Saub. I like my noisy, bumpy Jeep.. and I like people not to fuck with it, thankyouverymuch.

On the way home, I reached for my cell phone, and it was off. I never have it off, so I thought that was strange. When I powered it back up, it lit up and then said 'powering down' and shut off again. Thinking my battery was probably dead, I plugged in my charger and tried again. Bzzt! No go.. then I take a look at the connecting piece, and it's missing a metal piece necessary for it to register the charger.. so, now I have to switch back to my old cell phone, which I'll probably get around to after the holiday. In the meantime, if anyone calls, they'll have to leave a message and I'll call back from the regular phone.

As if this wasn't enough bullshit for the day, I come home to log on to my MySpace account, and it says my password is wrong. I tried several times, to no avail, so I requested a new one - and never got an email. I contacted MySpace, and haven't gotten a response, but I am guessing (since my default picture has been changed) that my account was phished. Please explain to me how the fuck this happens and why MySpace doesn't do more to prevent it?? I'll wait for their response, but I don't anticipate much help.. a friend's account was phished awhile back, and then deleted by MySpace for a 'terms of service' violation (spam). Very nice. I registered under a different email this time, so hopefully it won't happen again.

Merry Xmas to me, huh? Hope everyone is having a better day!

This is why I love them.. (long but worth it) [Saturday, December 22nd 2007]
Tales of an Old Jeep

By Henry J. Cubillan

In the years after World War II, thousands of ex-military Willys MB's and Ford GPW's were sold as surplus all over the world. Today, most of them have been scrapped, but a precious few of them have stayed with us as a piece of history. This is the story of one of them...

The old Jeep was tired, and its battered body looked particularly haggard in the autumn light. Today was its fiftieth birthday, and more than ever, he felt the weight of a lifetime of service on his sagging springs. As usual, he took it all in stride, always managing to do the work demanded of him, but on days like this, when the weather was cold and his latest owner favored the new Dodge Ram, leaving the Jeep in the musty, decrepit barn, old memories would creep up to him, beckoning, reminding him of better days....

He recalled the bright autumn morning when his crate was sealed and stowed in the hull of a Liberty ship for the long trip to North Africa. He remembered being assembled at a makeshift outdoor garage, the glaring sun of Tunisia warming his new canvas seats. For two long years, he served proudly with an infantry division, and he had been hit several times in the course of the war. Sometimes, when the weather was unusually cold, he felt a dull ache on his quarter panel, where the many coats of paint had never managed to conceal the dent left by a ricocheting .50 caliber slug.

Fifty years of work had dulled, but never erased, the smell of battle from his body, the lingering mix of sweat, gunpowder, blood and most of all, fear. Twice he had his driver shot out from over him, leaving him stranded, helpless, in the midst of a raging battle; but always another young man would jump on him and drive him to safety. Time had blurred the faces of most of his comrades in arms, but he could still hear Jonesy, a young soldier who gripped the wheel too tightly, talking softly to him, begging him not to give up, to hold the last drop of water in a ruptured radiator as they made their way around enemy lines during a German counterattack somewhere in Belgium.

The Jeep remembered proudly the day he was driven through the streets of a liberated Paris, with Old Glory flying triumphantly on his back. He could still hear the cheers and smell the grateful tears and flowers that were dropped on him that day. How happy his young soldiers had been that day, gaping at the Eiffel Tower and stealing kisses from the French girls who followed them everywhere.

After the war, he had ended up in Belgium, stripped of his machine gun and radios and sold to a young farmer who used him to pull a tiller. His young wife told her husband that the Jeep's olive drab color reminded her of the war, so he received the first of his many civilian paint jobs, this one bright red. For many years, he saw the Flemish soil yield its plentiful harvest and the farmer's sons grow tall and strong. One of them, the youngest, would drive him often, and after his father's death he had taken him to the city. From it the old Jeep remembered the lights, the cacophony of noises that never stopped, and the dozens of pigeons who would irreverently cover his hood with droppings.

The Jeep remained in the city for years, driven infrequently, until the day he heard the old Englishman's voice for the first time. "That's exactly what I've been looking for, lad!", he heard, and his starter motor struggled to fire the engine. "This Jeep and I are going around the world!". Two weeks later, his engine completely overhauled and all of his fluids changed, he rumbled happily on brand new tires. He also sported a brand new paint job, bright blue, with a small Union Jack where the radio mount used to be.

What followed was the best six years of his life.. ) 

Merry Christmas!! [Thursday, December 20th 2007]

Jeepin' [Monday, December 17th 2007]
Yesterday, we went out with some friends to try to find some snow to play in.. didn't find any, but we did find lots of mud! I took the vanity plates and the new soft top off before we left, and I am VERY glad I did because our friend's license plate was torn off and the old soft top was scratched to all hell. It was a blast, though.. can't complain!  =)

Here is a slideshow of the pics we took.. it was dark as hell and I had to brighten up the pictures, so they aren't great, but before I did that all you could see were tail lights - we went out to Mt. Hood National Forest and it's dark out there in the woods!

Teachers drop the Holocaust to avoid offending Muslims [Friday, December 14th 2007]

Schools are dropping the Holocaust from history lessons to avoid offending Muslim pupils, a Government backed study has revealed.

It found some teachers are reluctant to cover the atrocity for fear of upsetting students whose beliefs include Holocaust denial.


Merry Xmas, Jeepers! [Saturday, December 8th 2007]
The wind was quite heavy on one Christmas Eve
Santa traveled by ground, behind schedule, if you can believe
He was cruising through California in his mighty red sleigh,
And said, 'If I don't hurry, there will be no Christmas Day!'

Blitzen turned around and said, 'Santa, you won't fail
We Reindeer found a short-cut called the Rubicon Trail'
They headed for the trail, but when they got there,
The rocks looked much bigger than they did from the air

Up hill the reindeer struggled to make the sleigh go,
And getting around those rocks made the progress quite slow.
They tried really hard but there just wasn't a way,
To get axle articulation from an old wooden sleigh.

Where the rocks are steep, Santa ran out of luck,
Even with nine reindeer, he finally got stuck.. )


You know you're a Jeeper when... [Saturday, December 8th 2007]
...seeing a Jeep in a car lot gives you that same feeling as seeing homeless dogs at an animal shelter. You think to yourself, "If I had the money I would take you home and we could be best friends".

...the words dirty and topless turn you on. Just not sexually.

...seeing dogs hang their heads out the car window makes you think to yourself, "I know the feeling".

...when you see someone at a stoplight put their sunroof down you get out and take your entire roof off just so they'll be jealous. feel a little hurt inside when other Jeepers don't wave back. But you instantly forgive them knowing they must not have seen you. Oh well, you'll get the next one.

...getting stuck isn't an inconvenience. Its an adventure you can't wait to tell others about.'ve ever stood up in your vehicle as you were driving it just because you could.

...the first ever strapless bikini you bought wasn't a swim suit. However, it did have a lot to do with the beach.

...seeing convertible sports cars with powered tops makes you think two things... 1. "pansy!" and 2. "I've got roll bars, beeyotch!" ripped out the carpet on your floorboard because it started to stink after that first good rain.'ve apologized to a first time passenger because of how dirty your interior was. Then rescinded that apology as you thought to yourself that they should be thanking you for the experience.'ve almost slapped a girl for complaining about her hair getting messed up on that first (and only) date.

well, duh! [Thursday, December 6th 2007]
WhAt Is YoUr KiND oF cAr?
You are an outgoing adventorus person! You are a Jeep!

Take the quiz!

one always tells the truth, and the other one always lies.. [Wednesday, December 5th 2007]
Stolen from [info]nabba

Ask me 6 questions ...
Three will be answered truthfully
Three will be answered with a lie

Wanna try? ;)

voices for change [Thursday, November 29th 2007]

Be a powerful voice for change.. )


early xmas present [Tuesday, November 27th 2007]
It's a bit early, but look what my husband surprised me with today...

*huge grin* )

My husband fucking ROCKS...

beep, beep... squish! [Friday, November 23rd 2007]

lol... )

permanent costume [Wednesday, November 21st 2007]
Further proof that the internet is a source of continuous entertainment, I found this in the piercing community, and I was rather shocked. I didn't know that body modifications now included fairy ears.. that is just insane. I'd rather see a picture of it after it's healed, though. Yikes.

I guess technically it's called 'ear pointing', but I know fairy ears when I see them. Or, I suppose they could be Star Trek fans... live long and prosper! Keep it secret! Keep it safe! 



Have we really sunk this low??!? [Monday, August 27th 2007]
Below is what LA Late currently has posted on their site. Have we really become so pathetic that we actually support this garbage? Talk about kicking someone when they're down! You can comment the story on their website at

Owen Wilson - Less of a man than Lindsay Lohan (from LA Late website)

'Owen Wilson yesterday allegedly according to reports overdosed and attempted suicide. So what type of statement does Wilson release today? One that fails to mention any cause of his medical condition. Give us a break, Owen!

If Owen Wilson did have a traumatic incident from drugs Sunday, and can't man up and admit it, maybe he could learn a lesson from Lindsay Lohan from the book of admission.

Compare Wilson's vague statement today to Lohan's statement earlier this month regarding her drug relapse.

Owen Wilson: "I respectfully ask that the media allow me to receive care and heal in private during this difficult time."

Lindsay Lohan: "It is clear to me that my life has become completely unmanageable because I am addicted to alcohol and drugs. Recently, I relapsed and did things for which I am ashamed….. Luckily, I am not alone in my daily struggle and I know that people like me have succeeded. Maybe with time it will become easier. I hope so."

If Wilson suffered a drug incident, relapse, suicide or anything similar, and can't admit it, he needs to learn that fans are much more forgiving of someone who admits their mistakes and corrects it, than an actor who tells everyone to stay away when something goes wrong because he doesn't want negative publicity.'

Are you kidding me? Who the hell do these losers think they are?

I commented... who knows if they will even post it on the site. It says 'awaiting moderation'. In any case, here is what I sent them. We'll see if they're "man enough" to display it ;)

"I think it's disgusting how the American public believes they're automatically entitled to the gruesome details of someone else's personal life simply because they are a celebrity. If I had just overdosed (intentionally, or otherwise) on drugs and almost perished, I don't think I'd be worried about a prepared statement for the salivating media awaiting me outside the hospital. Forgive him for placing his care and recovery as a higher priority than how he can 'spin' his recent misfortune. Perhaps, (dare I say it) he simply doesn't care what ambulance-chasing paparazzi think about him? I'd say that makes him MORE of a man, and you less of one for running this idiotic story in the first place."

bouncing [Friday, April 6th 2007]
"Do you know the size of the ball of worry I have for you? I can't carry that around.. I have to work!"

My husband makes me laugh sometimes.. I finally get the whole religion card. It's the answer. Everyone needs an answer sometimes, to be told what to do, what is right, what will make everything okay, what will save you. Decisions are never easy, because we can't see the future.. that's what the big black book (or whatever color your particular book is.. maybe it's an album cover for some, who knows..) is for. It gives you a presumed outcome, and as long as you follow this set of guidelines, you're guaranteed to get the desired result. Some people need the answer so badly that they forget how to question.. they forget there is never only one road. This is why, globally, we're in the situation we're in, because we can't respect that different people have different answers. We're so busy trying to 'save' one another that it's killing us.. heaven must really be the bomb - everyone's dying to get in..

That's my problem with religion, with medicine, with everything.. I can't hold onto a maybe. I need more than assumptions, I need more than a lot of people ask for themselves, let alone are willing to give to someone else. Swallow these pills so I can say I've done my job, and if you don't make it, well, I'll pray for you. Fuck that.

make it easy, make this easy.. it's not as heavy as it seems..

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