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Bad day... [24 Dec 2007|07:33pm]
The day started out fine, until we got in the Jeep to run to the store to get coffee.. I noticed that the stereo was cutting out ~ odd, since I replaced it less than a year ago. Then, as I'm fucking with it, trying to get it to stop cutting out, I smell the dreaded burning electronics smell. So, I go back to the house, turn off the Jeep and disconnect the fuse to the stereo. I called the place that installed my stereo earlier this year and told them what was going on, and they told me to bring it in... they installed a new one, and said there must be a leak somewhere (um, yeah, it's a soft top Jeep!) and that was probably what caused the problem. I didn't go to the trouble to ask how a water leak could have caused the wires to melt.. I'm not keen on taking advice from people when I had to bring my Jeep in three times just to get them to screw the dash back on correctly. The manager actually said to me the last time I brought her in that 'you'll have us fixing every last rattle on this Jeep yet!' I looked him straight in the face and told him that I know every rattle and noise my Jeep makes, including the ones that weren't there before they got their hands on her. Fuckers. If I wanted a quiet ride, I'd borrow my parents' Saub. I like my noisy, bumpy Jeep.. and I like people not to fuck with it, thankyouverymuch.

On the way home, I reached for my cell phone, and it was off. I never have it off, so I thought that was strange. When I powered it back up, it lit up and then said 'powering down' and shut off again. Thinking my battery was probably dead, I plugged in my charger and tried again. Bzzt! No go.. then I take a look at the connecting piece, and it's missing a metal piece necessary for it to register the charger.. so, now I have to switch back to my old cell phone, which I'll probably get around to after the holiday. In the meantime, if anyone calls, they'll have to leave a message and I'll call back from the regular phone.

As if this wasn't enough bullshit for the day, I come home to log on to my MySpace account, and it says my password is wrong. I tried several times, to no avail, so I requested a new one - and never got an email. I contacted MySpace, and haven't gotten a response, but I am guessing (since my default picture has been changed) that my account was phished. Please explain to me how the fuck this happens and why MySpace doesn't do more to prevent it?? I'll wait for their response, but I don't anticipate much help.. a friend's account was phished awhile back, and then deleted by MySpace for a 'terms of service' violation (spam). Very nice. I registered under a different email this time, so hopefully it won't happen again.

Merry Xmas to me, huh? Hope everyone is having a better day!
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