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User:cincinnati (24262)
My name is Page i'm 19, and trying to find my place in the world. i know exactly where i want to be, it's just a matter of finding a way there. i've been waiting on my chance for happiness, and i've come to realize lately, that no one is going to hand it to me, i have to take it for myself. and that is exactly what i plan on doing.
my life;
I don't have many things going for me except my dead end dumb job and this boy who has my entire heart ♥. I love music and going to all kinds of shows. I like to watch the people dance and I love to be sung to.

The username;
No, I have yet to visit the city, but I plan on it very soon. I want to move there eventually. I think it's a beautiful city full of beautiful people. My best friend and the person I love the most in the world lives there and I can't wait to be there with him. [:

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People4:freebird, monument, news, system
Communities33:100x100, above, askhere, backgrounds, bitchbook, chill, colorrush, conquered, dear_you, discord, divierto, donut, fashionesque, fontaddicts, girltalk, glitters, harmonize, iconseeyou, inkpen, lookingoodbb, machete, madeofwin, myspacers, nerdmakers, nerds, randomquestion, scribbldfinds, scribbldink, scribbldsextalk, sextalk, tattoos, ugly_icons, wrotedown
Friend of:2: dandi, freebird
Member of:29: 100x100, above, askhere, backgrounds, bitchbook, chill, colorrush, conquered, dear_you, discord, donut, fashionesque, fontaddicts, harmonize, iconseeyou, inkpen, lookingoodbb, machete, madeofwin, myspacers, nerdmakers, nerds, randomquestion, scribbldfinds, scribbldink, sextalk, tattoos, ugly_icons, wrotedown
Account type:Early Free User
Date created:2008-08-13 19:19:39
Date updated:2008-09-09 16:25:31, 857 weeks ago
Clients used:Web: 2.0.0
Journal entries:8
Comments:Posted: 13 - Received: 12
Posting Access:18: 100x100, askhere, backgrounds, bitchbook, conquered, dear_you, fashionesque, fontaddicts, lookingoodbb, madeofwin, myspacers, nerdmakers, randomquestion, scribbldink, sextalk, tattoos, ugly_icons, wrotedown

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