
Journal | Johnny & Mikey

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Journal | Johnny & Mikey

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[Private to: Michael & Johnny]


I wasn't sure I should, but I need to let you know what's gone on. Mum's had another awful attack, she's in full on dementia right now and now one can tell why. It's been like this the last few days, we've got her tucked away at a muggle hospital in Devon. She wouldn't go near St. Mungo's, kept saying she refused to go into some sort of musty basement when we tried to get her near the visitor's entrance. Even Dad lost his temper, he never does that with her. Now he seems worried I'm going to crack, too, keeps looking at me like he's walking on eggshells or something.

We've gotten rooms at a local inn - not that he ever leaves her side - and they said this should pass like the other bouts, but I'm going crazy here, boys.

Hopefully I'll be back to real life by this weekend, we've got practice Saturday and Sunday, after all, don't we? I'm just... Feeling lost. Magic can't save this. Muggle medicine can't save it. She just keeps getting worse.


PS. Johnny, I let coach know, so he shouldn't be asking around, but if the team starts questioning, come up with something? Anything? Please?
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