Bio: Felix @ 08:00 pm
Character Information
Full name: Felix Aurelio Ruiz
Nick names: Fee
Hometown: Corpus Christi, TX
Age and birthday: 7/22/2017
House and year: Shawnee
Boggart: A hoard of bees, buzzing and covering him
Riddikulus: The bees all become balloons and they pop
Patronus and why: Brown bear; bears represent protectiveness, gentle strength, intuition & instinct, nurturing, and primal power.
School Information:
Wand: 11½" flexible chestnut with fire crab shell fragment
Electives: Advanced potions, advanced herbology, magical botany, environmental magic, and magical crafting
Extracirriculars: Quodpot (fullback/linebacker), muggle sports, band (guitar), garden club, outdoor club
Strongest subject: Potions, DADA
Weakest subject: Astronomy
Animagus form, if applicable NA
Family and Relationships
Parents: Sam Ruiz and Teagan Brass
Siblings: Tito and Max Ruiz (half brothers)
Extended Family: Cousins
Familiar: A blue pitbull named Azul
Sexuality: Heterosexual
PB: Angel Ibarra
Physical Description: Felix is on the tall side, standing at 6'1. He had struggled with his weight when he was younger, even having the thick black rimmed glasses and braces to go along with it. He stayed away from the limelight for the most part, trying to avoid being seen at all costs. Even when the weight came off he couldn't quite stand too much attention from people.
He's got a youthful face despite his bigger build. He's got the same dark features from his father's side of the family with dark hair and deep brown eyes. He's got a sweet smile and one little dimple. He's covered in tattoos, ever since he was sixteen, his dad allowed him to get them. He fancies leather jackets, jeans, and sneakers. He wears black framed glasses and he's always carrying around his guitar and a set of drum sticks.
Likes: Guitar, music, rock, power pop, baseball, the Yankees, leather jackets, cute girls, tattoos, motorcycles, dogs, muggle culture, trucks, wizard rock, muggle games, music from the 90s, movies from the 90s, folklore, traveling, breaking the rules, chocolate, quodpot, board games, badminton, skateboard, ping pong, baseball, fishing, nature, camping, BBQ, Jones soda, reading, hoodies, laughing, goofing around, skipping class, Discovery channel, History channel, sports, churros, chipotle, gazpacho, spicy food, his band, s'mores, being a big brother
Dislikes: Techo, dancing, dance music, mullets, diet foods, overkill, formal wear, when girls wear red lipstick, unnecessarily long books, gym bunnies/muscle heads, sand, text speak, red meat, collard greens, okra, mean people, being too warm, reality television, the smell of tar, politics, overalls, gory movies, being called Fe-Fe, the smell of cigarettes, people who try too hard
*He's in a band with his little brother Max
*He speaks fluent Spanish and French
*He's broken more than one pair of glasses in frustration or clumsiness
*He uses the woobie face a lot, and it works
*He breaks his glasses when he gets exceptionally frustrated with himself
*He's very comfortable with the fact that he's a werewolf and not ashamed of it in the least
*No one ever knows who his crushes are, he just doesn't talk about them, his biggest crush by far has got to be on Jess Dubinsky. In his opinion, there is no one cuter on campus.
Amortentia smells like: Camp fire, chipotle, and cotton candy
Strengths: Calm, patient, kind, long fuse, total scrapper, he's a decent student but if he put in a little more effort he would be much better, potions, music, he's an excellent listener, woobie face
Weaknesses: Uncoordinated, if he's not passionate about something he's likely to do just enough to get by, Mexican or Cajun food, ability to constantly get into trouble, deathly allergic to bees
Detailed personality:
Felix is the natural leader among his brothers. He has always had an uncanny ability to reign in his brother with his patient and calm attitude. He exudes calmness and it's with a gentle assertion that he commands. He's exceptionally protective of the people around him and the people he cares for.
Felix is not an open book, he is exceptionally quiet about his heart and what he wants. He's the kind of kid who always ends up being best friends with the cute, sweet girls that he really likes. He's sweet, gentle, and kind. He would give you the shirt off his back if you needed it. Patient to a point, Felix is a great teacher and friend. He does get frustrated from time to time and that usually ends up making a broken pair of glasses, but he only ever gets frustrated by himself.
Personal History
Born the first son to Sam Ruiz during a full moon cycle, Felix was born a werewolf. Despite that he was brought up in a supportive home and his dad was able to help him through transformations and the social stigma he would face in the future as a wolf. Felix was a happy kid though and spent the full moon learning how to control himself while a wolf. He always had an immense sense of duty to keep the family together. He's been a confident for his younger brothers and a sort of best friend to his dad. He had a good childhood though there was a lot of traveling and running around and in the beginning, a lot of attention. Felix shied away from the attention as much as possible, never liking the paparazzi or the limelight. He loved traveling around but it didn't give him a ton of time to make a lot of lasting friends. It wasn't until his dad settled down with his mom that Felix really started reaching out and making friends, though there were always the Dubinsky girls, life long friends just like their parents.
As a child, Felix struggled with his weight. He was always quite a bit bigger than the kids his age. Adding to that, he had thick black framed glasses and braces. It wasn't until the summer before he began attending the upper academy that he lost some of his extra weight from all the sports he was playing and he got his braces taken off. He was still awkward and avoided as much attention as he could. He's done well making good friends and keeping them but he's not had the same luck in the romance department.
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