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childofatlas ([info]childofatlas) wrote,
@ 2012-01-22 14:07:00

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Meme Scene - Kal and Derek: The Beatles were never more right...
Well, this was just obnoxious. It was beyond obnoxious. But he had been lusting after his cousins teammate for a while now, and there was never a more appropriate song than "I Want You (She's So Heavy)", which just irked him even more. he had to talk to her. Even a mention to the negative would help him get rid of this.

So there's a knock at the door of Kalypsos room, with Derek there. His face is neutral, but his body language is heavy and depressed.

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2012-01-27 01:09 am UTC (link)
Derek takes that kiss, although something else crosses his mind. His smile gets a little wicked.

"Speaking of *this*...there are some benefits to dating a half atlantean. For example..."

There is another kiss, but this one is a bit probing.

"Increased endurance means no falling asleep after the first time."

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