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childofatlas ([info]childofatlas) wrote,
@ 2013-04-29 21:20:00

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Lines lines everywhere, but not a drop to drink.

It was his own fault, really. He had made sure to be at the airport himself, even if he wasn't actually leaving right now. Hell, his trip wasn't even for another week, but he got an e-mail to check the airport he was using. Plus he wanted to head up north. But apparently there was an issue with the airlines computer system which threw the whole thing out of whack. So now here he was. Sitting here. Waiting to head to Seattle and not going anywhere. And there was nothing that could get this crap off his-

He-llo Nurse!

There was a cute girl pretty much right next to him in line. He has no freaking idea how he didn't even notice her, especially since she had...well, green hair. But she was cute. As in really cute. And she was standing right behind him. Maybe that's why he didn't notice her before. He was the last in line a second ago.

"Pardon me. Do you have any idea what's going on?"

Eye contact eye contact eye contact. Even if she is a little taller than him.

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2013-05-03 04:45 am UTC (link)
"Pretty much. I've been trying to get to know the cape crowd, but nothing really stuck to my liking."

Derek sighed. It was a lot more his fault than he wanted to admit, but he was busy still trying to learn the ropes.

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2013-05-03 04:51 am UTC (link)
"Hey, at our age, we've got plenty of time. I personally decided to go to college early, but plenty of room to figure things out. Especially if you've got to deal with part of you going on about how you're just killing time before Your Real Career Starts."

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