Current mood: | blah |
I'm Mrs. Lifestyles-of-the-Rich-and-Famous...
I got pretty terrible motion sickness this morning while riding in the car with my pops to pick up Logan to babysit. I'm sure texting Brad during the ride probably triggered it, but it didn't fade once I stopped texting him. I got McDonald's, though, so that was nice at least. My motion sickness started to fade 15 minutes after I got out of the car and got into the house... now I'm just tired.
I miss Brad like crazy, and I'm angry with myself because I have no means of a job at the moment. Both of my [grand]parents work, so they're not reliable transportation, and I don't have my license yet. I feel absolutely useless while Brad is doing his best to raise money to get his own place so I can move out there with him.
I guess all I need is a little patience.
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