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dari davison ([info]cheergirl) wrote,
@ 2011-07-24 11:17:00

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Sunday December 24th, 2010; 11am

Mom and Dad got me a new car. Even though I can't even get my permit until next month. It's pretty sweet! And I'm going over to Jeremy's soon because I've had about enough of MY family today so I can spend a little time with him and his family.

I heard there's going to be a party tomorrow night. I'm DEFINITELY going to have to hit that up. Is anybody else going?

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2011-07-25 11:40 am UTC (link)
You know who can drive that car, sexy?

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2011-07-25 10:21 pm UTC (link)
Guess what else we can do in that car, sexy?

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2011-07-26 12:04 am UTC (link)
My imagination is now running wild. You said you were coming over?

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2011-07-26 12:10 am UTC (link)
Duh! Your dad hasn't drank all the eggnog already, has he?

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2011-07-26 12:21 am UTC (link)
Almost. You'd better hurry.

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2011-07-26 12:22 am UTC (link)
If he drinks it all, he'd better be prepared to make me some more!

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2011-07-26 12:29 am UTC (link)
I'm sure he will. Now... hurry up and get your sexy ass over here.

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2011-07-26 12:38 am UTC (link)
Yes, sir.

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