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cheaphats ([info]cheaphats) wrote,
@ 2012-05-03 10:06:00

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The real estate profession analyzes
 The nation statisticses data in the bureau to show:
 In April, the Chinese manufacturing industry purchase manager's index number is 52.9%, low in last month 0.5 percentage points.Since March, 2009, the index number has already been located in a critical point-50% to above extend zone for continuous 26 months and express that China makes Buy Boston Celtics hats economy total be placed in to increase a situation, although increase to soon have deceleration, economy total bottom risk in the line not strong, the under the circumstances government can be to the real estate market carry on generously adjusting to control.
 In April, residents' consumption price together compare soar 5.3%, the rise compares to drop 0.1 percentage points in March, the wreath ratio soars 0.1%, and among them, the food prices descends 0.4% and lives price wreath ratio to soar 0.4%.Although the government continuously raises to deposit a reserve rate, exaltation interest rate etc. tighten the measures like letter loan,etc shows of suppress the decision of inflation firmness, ex- expect CPI importance to push a hand vegetable etc. agricultural product seasonal supply missing have an improvement,should see at world mobility continue abundant, the international crude oil price continuously increases, Japanese electronics product zero accessorieses supply the influence of the factor of nervous etc. under, anticipating the inflation will continue Gao Wei Pan is horizontal, the inflation situation is still rigorous.Inflation Gao Qi on the other hand causes the increment of real estate investment cost, but these cost finally and by all means needs consumer's the check.Moreover, Gao inflation makes civil huge sum of capital in order to look for to protect a value to increase in value in succession and flow out toward the building City, these pressures that will produce north bound to the building price.The building price wants regression reasonableness, the real estate needs regression its most basal function and need, namely from live need and improvement need, but protect value to especially increase in value to invest function should have to lower, this aspect needs a more abundant investment outlet the choice is to the civil capital and need the district development unbalance present condition to get a full improvement on the other hand and lower the attraction of niche house property thus and sparse lack sex.
 1-4 months, the national real estate development invests 1,334,000,000,000 dollars and together compares to increase 34.3%.Among them, the residence invests 949,700,000,000 dollars and increases 38.6%, the ratio increased 4.6% last year same period.1-4 months, the national real estate development business enterprise house starts construction area 3,524,720,000 square meters, together compare increase 33.2%;The house lately starts work area 568,410,000 square meters and increases 24.4%, the ratio dropped 40 percentage points last year same period.The real estate opens an investment growth good to expectation, still quicker.The house is investing a rapid growth, cheap sunglasses include the exaltation of investment cost that the inflation brings, the high-speed growth that guarantees building quickly and pushes forward also to the investment at the same time has contribution.This aspect explains that farsighted confidence and expectation of real estate market that develop a company to the future are still steady, this is in consideration of along with continuously pushing forward of Chinese urbanization progress, the land resources is sparse to lack self-contradict existence, the real estate rigid need is still sturdy, in consideration of health development's important influence toward national economy in real estate market etc. factor to is over a long period of time propping up of the real estate investment function.On the other hand should also see in the short run, because the government again and again makes moves of adjusting and controling the policy, sale atrophy to lend with letter of tighten the funds causing to lack, also make to develop a company to make moves to start hesitating.


To 'late sleep an obessive compulsive disorder'

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