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cheaphats ([info]cheaphats) wrote,
@ 2012-05-02 13:43:00

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The this period of time vegetables price
 The this period of time vegetables price falls disastrously and appeared money for a catty of cabbage, 5 cents and money a catty of oil wheat vegetables, 6 cents for 3 cents money a catty of celery......So low price, grows vegetables obviously is a Kui.Grow vegetables deficiency to superficially see is circulate, the information dissymmetry result in, in fact this isn't the main reason, main reason still because gasoline and lead travel expenses expensive, this don't have relation with system, policy?The gasoline lifts prices to all encounter to denounce every time, but hair in the nation changes Wei to still keep granting gasoline, diesel to lift price.Say San Diego Padres Adjustable again the farmer doesn't grow vegetables and grow a food also difficult make money, year's becoming is wella small profits so much, year become not is a Kui.Meeting why how, certainly is a national food to procure a policy to exist a problem.The food procures price to settle lowly, nation subsidy should be high, the problem is a food to procure price settle low, the food sticks again low, the farmer grows a food low income even loss in business, and those Gao the incomes still eat a cheap agricultural product, margin also can more pull more big.
  Is this profession at the agriculture, the sudden wealth myth almost has no, but at coal mine industry sudden wealth myth is can be found everywhere.They open the most luxurious car in the world and live top-class villa, it is extravagant even the foreign billionaire also stares, but they open to the miner's wages skin a flint very much.It is the wages game mechanism disequalibrium of worker and management to look, but substantially still system and policy aren't good enough.The local government falls overboard for to canvass business to lead a property and provides for this push growth, the capital excessively acts for a labor, neglected the full exploitation of labor force and formed a different degree capital and resources push type development method in the creation of wealth.In the Nike Sunglasses for Women long time in, emphasize to use capital and resources to intensively push an economy development, but labor force excess, wages again lead low, is by all means the income of the of capital and resources proprietor and worker to assign a margin to more pull as a result more big.Therefore, change development of the main factor make use of mode, making use of of equilibrium capital and labor main factor structure, actually improve an of different main factor proprietor income first time allotment of a key.But this has to carry on under a good policy frame.For example downtown in Wuhan 450,000 dining the officers and workers' lowest wages standard, unified take the city's lowest wages standard as foundation to ascend to float 30%.Before now, dining industry parts of officers and workerses of Wuhan physically got hold of of the wages even is lower than the city's lowest wages standard.'Change'Be received benefit to a last more than 50 skies, came forward in contemporary labor relations history in China don't smell of the profession wages is collective to negotiate.Be received benefit to hard spirit of profession labor union, certainly profession labor union hard spirit because of general labor union in Wuhan at be backstage'owner'.Therefore, the critic Lu rather says that this is 1'row ages'of point of departure.Farmer why become most low income crowd, the key is to have no words power, there is no the opportunity of collective negotiation.From here say to come'sample in Wuhan'Be worth expanding, however the expansion still keeps needing the change of support and the system on the policy.


The invisible hand explains

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