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cheaphats ([info]cheaphats) wrote,
@ 2012-04-20 14:14:00

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Worker's population or unemployed existence
 Worker's population or unemployed existence of excess are the inevitable outcomes that the wealth of capitalism backlog or capitalism foundation develops, it not is pass to reduce unemployment benefit or again employment training can get rid of.At the same time, this kind of excess population is also the lever of capitalism backlog, even become a condition of capitalism mode of production existence.Promote but inflate along with the backlog on the other hand of and can convert into the in great quantities social wealth that annexs capital, old production section madly flow out to go into those markets to suddenly extend, or flow out go into those from old production Texas Rangers Snapback section of development but arouse the newly arisen production sections of demand, like railroad or Mass Rapid Transit etc..In all these situations, have to have large numbers of people the production scale that can on a sudden be thrown to go to decisive place, but unlikely influence other sections again.These people are provided by excess population.On the other hand, the competition of men out of occupation enlarged to work worker the pressure on the body, forcing to work the worker has to be engaged in an excesssive labor and listen to capital of order about;But employment worker of excesssive labor in addition and soon capital of backlog and restriction work post of amount, extended unemployed population thus.A part of the working class is engaged in an excesssive labor to force its another part have no the matter can do;Turn over, its a part have no the matter can do to force its another part to be engaged in excesssive labor, this become each capitalist amasses a fortune of means.At the same time, again according to promoting the production that the mutually accommodative scale accelerated opposite excess population with social backlog.These were two to also explain why the western economics emphasizes the jobless rate that has to promise one fixed amount while inquiring into a full employment.
In the theory analysis that thinks in the mark, he still mentioned that three western economists who get a prize are in the study'why at exist a lot of posts empty lack of time, still have unemployed numerous people' get around of problem.That be, empty lack of the post is more of want young man, but more unemployed is a middle age.China in today, goes back and forth with the city tubes and takes place to have in the peddlers of benefits conflict how many is a young man?'The capital consumption labor force is thus quick, with the result that the worker arrived middle age usually already how much decrepitude.He falls into the troops of excess, or is discriminated against lower grade from the higher grade.We see, is exactly that worker's life span in the big industry is the shortest.'The structure of this kind of age antinomy, again is be like the western economist says of so pass to reduce government social welfare devotion, decrease unemployment benefit with again employment training, manufacturing employment market of'hungry feeling',Discount Gucci Sunglasses can lowering the employment mental state of working expectation etc. means dissolve?As for again employment training, even if can make opposite have decrepit worker heavy meet with the opportunity of employment, but afterward fruit also however is the worker who makes to appear in a labor section to supply an excess phenomenon, proliferation goes with spread in the other section.This kind of palliate is incurable origin of method will cause to spread unemployedly and the descending of wages of the already working of the larger scope.

see more:Wild village the comprehensive chief economist

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