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cheaphats ([info]cheaphats) wrote,
@ 2012-04-19 10:03:00

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Lower to deposit a reserve rate to be advantageous
 In 2011, Chinese economy appeared a crisis with financial part, this is the usury phenomenon cold ashes burn again in China, and played more more strong power.Gao of the usurious rate of interest, the big scale, the wide scope, all comes to an unprecedented situation.All of Wenzhou, Zhejiang and E Er many Sis in Inner Mongolia are one of heavy disaster areases.In Wenzhou, Zhejiang, 'run road'of the owner is more and more.Should say, usury deluge and currency tighten closely related, mainly because, on the other hand due to raising to deposit after the reserve rate commercial bank to lack money small and medium enterprises loan don't arrive, Toronto BlueJays Adjustable on the other hand the bank maintains low interest rate.(BE lower than inflation)In this case, give some illegal businessmen with the machine that can multiply by.
 When the currency tightens, the society widespreadly exists funds to tightly lack.Hence, the big bank inclines toward to issue a loan for big business enterprise, the anti- risk of the small business enterprise ability weaker than big business enterprise, the commercial bank will compress a small business enterprise loan first.Small business enterprise not when the ability acquire a loan from the regular bank system the indentation leaving will be provided by the not- regular finance.Rather than does money of the financing institution where come from?The writer thinks to have three outlets:One is the funds(need to look for to invest income) that came from to withdraw from the real estate, two become to mutually dismantle to borrow money a gold from the bank, three raise from the absorbing of folks.
 See from the need angle, due to being tightenned influence industry section the liquidity is more and more difficult, hence have to drink Zhen to quench thirst.The small and medium enterprises need to be existed, have to lend usury to live.So, the usury overflowed last year, special relate to central bank's recent two years of special monetary policy.After 2008 annuities melt a crisis, the monetary policy is quickly significant to relax, the letter lends huge mete out cage, resulted in from here mobility deluge and inflation Gao Qi, make the National Central Bank monetary policy take a sudden turn and develop rapidly again, significantly tighten.This kind of cheap oakley sunglasses fluctuates and not only hurts a big business enterprise, but also hurts small and medium enterprises more.
 Therefore, central bank's lowering to deposit a reserve rate appropriately is very necessary.On the other hand adjust economic slip the demand of ascent in 2012, on the other hand is also solve a business enterprise particularly is the demand of small and medium enterprises.The business enterprise funds need alleviated and by all means alleviated an usury crisis.Solve an usury crisis certainly not is a dynasty the affair of the one night, also not is that lower to deposit a reserve rate so in brief, also need to be taken care of more together next, particularly want to build up with perfect early warning and meet an emergency a mechanism.

see more:The Exterior That The 2012 The Middle Of The Years

The reasonableness treats Chinese foreign trade to develop

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