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cheaphats ([info]cheaphats) wrote,
@ 2012-11-08 16:03:00

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American Ministry of Finance postpones to wade China
 This means that this exchange rate just can announce after reporting very probably on November 6 American presidential election.The analytical personage points, this undertaking probably is in order not to is electing an eve to make this report become a campaign topic.However, postpone to release the normal that the exchange rate report has become American government, Obama's government is such, little Bush's government also such.

  1988 trade and competition ability comprehensive bill in the United States asks Ministry of Finance to need to hand in "the Wholesale nfl snapback exchange rate reports" of a main trading partner in relevant United States to the congress every half year.Bill 3004 regulation rules settle, the report has to consider whether all countries effectively adjust a balance of payments for arrestment, or for seek unfair competitive advantage but manipulate native currency to exchange the exchange rate of U.S. dollar in the international trade.

  Since Obama's government appeared on stage, already in a row for 7 times don't row China manipulate a country for exchange rate.An exchange rate recently reports to announce on May 25 this year, the report affirms the any main trading partner in the United States including China all didn't manipulate the exchange rate of of its currency and U.S. dollar.

  Reminbi exchange rate problem becomes hot issue in this year's American presidential election, American Republican presidential candidate Luo Mu Ni blames Obama government too weak to China, and declare that wholesale sunglasses oneself is once winning an election, taking a post the first day and then willing list as the exchange rate to China and manipulate a country.

  American president Obama means while accepting an interview recently, his words and actions can't cross over a boundary, if serve another term, he can't stick an exchange rate for China and manipulate the label of the country.He emphasized:"We aren't intentional to cause an all-directions trade of war, this will make Central America two national capitals get hurt.

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