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Beatrice Dayspring

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Privately Experimental [29 Nov 2012|07:39pm]
Another nice dinner, adjourning to her room, this time.

"So... Manny, what I want to address tonight..." Bea began slowly.
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Au Meme: Other Gender. [26 Nov 2012|11:32am]
Dante Dayspring sat in the appropriate area of Thunderbolt's headquarters cleaning his guns.
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Meme Date [16 Jul 2012|09:28pm]
The good stuff's always in the back. It was true of Paris Theodore's shop, certain bars and bookstores, and it was true in this establishment. The superhuman information trade was a fascinating thing. Bea made her way to the back, where more than a dossier was waiting.
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Meme Date [16 Jul 2012|04:09am]
Beatrice waited for Anya's techie friend by the baseball-throwing stall, tossing hte ball up and down. Once she caught sight of him, she smiled and knocked all the milk bottles down.

Always best to be clear from the start who was going to do the panda-winning on any outing.
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I Hope, if Nothing More... (A few months down the road) [28 Mar 2012|01:35am]
Beatrice Dayspring could be rash when the situation called for it. When it didn't, she took her time, and did it right.

She observed. Considered. And, in this case, she gradually scheduled her additional workouts at the same time as Manny's.... and gradually wore increasingly less covering skintight suits while working out.

...and let her power keep her very aware of every aspect of his physiological reactions during exercise. Just... hoping...
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Meme: Future. [22 Jan 2012|02:49am]
Martin sure was all grown up. 19, looked about 21. And Beatrice admitted. She had looked.

And she'd seen plenty without looking.

...And it was about time, she thought, that they finally addressed the subject.

She cornered him one evening during R and R time. "Martin?"
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Flashback: Two Years Ago [09 Sep 2011|02:06am]
Beatrice's realizations were really coming through for her, but she was also putting years of training to the test as she made her way over, stepping just there and pausing just so.

Soon, she was behind the other girl. She waited and let the realization come, the shot she had to take just perfectly.
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Flashback: 13 years ago. [23 Oct 2010|04:31pm]
Whenever Beatrice was alone with her dad, and asked where her mom was, she was told she was off doing something dangerous but would be back soon.

Whenever Beatrice was alone with her mom, and asked where her dad was, she was told the same thing.

Upon his return, Dad would say he was "trying to ensure a better world for you."
Upon her return, Mom would say she was "working."

Either way, they asked about her homework.
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Test Thread: Back in the U.S.A. [24 Sep 2010|09:35pm]
Beatrice had been sent straight to New York from her last assignment. The instructions had felt abrupt, but these things happened sometimes. First among her strangely half-hearted instructions was bringing a few files on her last job to Nicolai, as an intellectual exercise, his mother claimed. She called him up.
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