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CFBW: cedrella fabiana black weasley ([info]cedre) wrote,
@ 2008-04-07 02:11:00

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012. Apologies

I wish to apologise for my unruly behaviour in the last few days. I wish I could say I didn't know what came over me, but the truth is I've been extremely careless and offensive in my increasing days as a soon-to-be mother. I hope you can understand at least a modicum of what I'm going through, having lost everything in one fell swoop and how to learn to live without all that I once had. I also hope that you believe me sincere with this apology, because I truly did not mean to make such a scene. I hope this letter finds you well.

Cedrella Weasley

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2008-04-07 07:28 am UTC (link)
For Merlin's sake, Lucretia! I have said so.

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2008-04-07 07:31 am UTC (link)
You are forgiven, Cedrella.

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2008-04-07 07:34 am UTC (link)
You're an idiot

You are so gracious.

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