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CFBW: cedrella fabiana black weasley ([info]cedre) wrote,
@ 2008-02-27 23:30:00

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It's all finished now.

I spoke with our parents and though it was not as terrible as I imagined it could be, it was still very unpleasant. I am no longer welcome in our family's home, and Mother said I am never to speak to her again. That was to be expected.

I don't know what I was expecting, exactly. I thought Daddy would be more reasonable, that he'd be able to see past all of this trite nonsense. I thought he loved me more than all of that, or at least enough to look at this as me choosing what makes me happy. Why did he refuse to say a word to me, or even look at me? Am I never to speak to him again? What about my sisters? I promised that sisterhood would last forever, no matter what. And yet I find myself in a position where some choices have been made for me and I've made my choices upon those positions. I am not despicable because I love a certain person who doesn't meet his and Mother's standards. I am finished. This is finished.

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2008-03-03 05:23 am UTC (link)
I'm not sorry, Charis. This is what would have happened eventually, and unfortunately that's what only you, and not our parents or even Callidora, can comprehend. If I'm sorry about anything, it's that I've made things far more difficult for you and Callidora.

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2008-03-03 07:37 am UTC (link)
Are you loved?

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2008-03-03 07:39 am UTC (link)
Yes. Don't worry about me, Charis, please.

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2008-03-03 07:41 am UTC (link)
If you are loved, then I have nothing to worry about, nor have you anything to apologize for.

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2008-03-04 05:17 am UTC (link)
You speak with such wisdom, I feel like you should be the elder sister. I wish others could see as rationally as you, Charis.

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