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CFBW: cedrella fabiana black weasley ([info]cedre) wrote,
@ 2008-02-18 02:34:00

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Charis, I have something really important to tell you, because I know I can trust you.

Nolan believes I should tell Charis first, which I will. I'm telling Charis, and I wasn't sure how to tell Callidora until just a bit ago. My parents are another story entirely. I think we should tell them together--what do you think? Additionally, Nolan offered to give us starting money. What are your thoughts on that?

Do you remember when we were growing up, all three of us said we'd get married, have babies and visit one another with our beautiful babies?

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2008-02-19 03:05 am UTC (link)
Of course.

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2008-02-19 09:03 am UTC (link)
I was thinking about it today, just thinking about when we were kids.

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2008-02-20 03:14 am UTC (link)
Really? Well, it's still the plan, isn't it?

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Re: Cedrella
2008-02-20 03:16 am UTC (link)
No. Not so much anymore. Look, Callidora, something's happened and I didn't want to tell you just yet but I can't not tell you. Though you have to promise you won't tell Mum and Dad yet. I haven't figured out how to tell them yet.

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Re: Cedrella
2008-02-20 03:19 am UTC (link)
Cedrella? What's going on? What's happening?

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2008-02-20 03:22 am UTC (link)
Promise me, as your sister.

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2008-02-20 03:25 am UTC (link)
I promise! Don't you trust me?

Oh, Ced, are you married? Is that it? Please don't tell me I've really lost you like that, please, I can't bear it!

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2008-02-20 03:32 am UTC (link)
I'm going to have a baby, Callidora, and I'm marrying Septimus in the spring. Mum and Dad won't want you to speak to me again, I'm sure, but that doesn't mean you've lost me. You'll always be welcome to visit, because you're always going to be my sister, you and Charis both.

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2008-02-20 03:35 am UTC (link)
[Hugely long pause.]



It's all over, then, there's nothing I can do to stop it anymore.

Ced, are you all right? You're healthy? You- you wanted this?

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CALLIDORA - [info]cedre, 2008-02-20 03:46 am UTC
Cedrella - [info]callidora, 2008-02-20 04:01 am UTC
Callidora - [info]cedre, 2008-02-20 04:02 am UTC
Cedrella - [info]callidora, 2008-02-20 04:05 am UTC
Callidora - [info]cedre, 2008-02-20 04:15 am UTC
Cedrella - [info]callidora, 2008-02-20 04:18 am UTC
Callidora - [info]cedre, 2008-02-20 04:24 am UTC
Cedrella - [info]callidora, 2008-02-20 04:26 am UTC
Callidora - [info]cedre, 2008-02-20 04:29 am UTC
Cedrella - [info]callidora, 2008-02-20 04:32 am UTC
Callidora - [info]cedre, 2008-02-20 04:35 am UTC
Cedrella - [info]callidora, 2008-02-20 04:39 am UTC
Callidora - [info]cedre, 2008-02-20 04:43 am UTC
2008-02-20 02:45 am UTC (link)
I've told mum.

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2008-02-20 02:55 am UTC (link)
What did she say?

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2008-02-20 02:57 am UTC (link)
She said that "we could have waited", but she's beside herself with questions and happiness and she wants to see you immediately.

It was actually a better reaction than I thought it would be.

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2008-02-20 03:04 am UTC (link)
Really? She doesn't think I'm a harlot who's stealing her boy away or what-have-you?

It could be much worse, indeed.

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2008-02-20 03:06 am UTC (link)
Told you she likes you.

So..what do you think is going to happen with your sisters? Should I be there?

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2008-02-20 03:21 am UTC (link)
She must like me a lot. Unless she wants to speak to me in order to berate me. Or make me cookies.

Callidora is going to cry at me, and Charis first offered her felicitations, then said she's worried about what our mother is going to say. I'm worried about that, too.

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2008-02-20 03:26 am UTC (link)
Yeah, people in my family don't put poison into baked goods, Ceddy. My parents were our age when they had Bilius.

...So should I be there? Are you going to be all right?

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2008-02-20 03:34 am UTC (link)
Are you scared of my parents?

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PRIVATE TO CEDRELLA. - [info]septimus, 2008-02-20 03:39 am UTC
PRIVATE TO SEPTIMUS. - [info]cedre, 2008-02-20 03:45 am UTC
PRIVATE TO CEDRELLA. - [info]septimus, 2008-02-20 03:47 am UTC
PRIVATE TO SEPTIMUS - [info]cedre, 2008-02-20 03:53 am UTC
PRIVATE TO CEDRELLA. - [info]septimus, 2008-02-20 04:00 am UTC
PRIVATE TO SEPTIMUS. - [info]cedre, 2008-02-20 04:09 am UTC
PRIVATE TO CEDRELLA - [info]septimus, 2008-02-20 04:14 am UTC
PRIVATE TO SEPTIMUS - [info]cedre, 2008-02-20 04:22 am UTC
PRIVATE TO CEDRELLA. - [info]septimus, 2008-02-20 04:29 am UTC
PRIVATE TO SEPTIMUS - [info]cedre, 2008-02-20 04:31 am UTC
PRIVATE TO CEDRELLA. - [info]septimus, 2008-02-20 04:36 am UTC
PRIVATE TO SEPTIMUS - [info]cedre, 2008-02-20 04:40 am UTC
PRIVATE TO CEDRELLA. - [info]septimus, 2008-02-20 04:43 am UTC
PRIVATE TO SEPTIMUS. - [info]cedre, 2008-02-20 04:47 am UTC
PRIVATE TO CEDRELLA. - [info]septimus, 2008-02-20 04:50 am UTC
PRIVATE TO SEPTIMUS. - [info]cedre, 2008-02-20 04:56 am UTC
PRIVATE TO CEDRELLA. - [info]septimus, 2008-02-20 05:06 am UTC
PRIVATE TO SEPTIMUS. - [info]cedre, 2008-02-20 05:16 am UTC
PRIVATE TO CEDRELLA. - [info]septimus, 2008-02-20 05:26 am UTC
Re: PRIVATE TO CEDRELLA. - [info]cedre, 2008-02-20 05:35 am UTC
PRIVATE TO CEDRELLA. - [info]septimus, 2008-02-20 05:39 am UTC
PRIVATE TO SEPTIMUS. - [info]cedre, 2008-02-20 05:40 am UTC
PRIVATE TO CEDRELLA. - [info]septimus, 2008-02-20 05:43 am UTC
PRIVATE TO SEPTIMUS. - [info]cedre, 2008-02-20 05:44 am UTC
PRIVATE TO CEDRELLA. - [info]septimus, 2008-02-20 05:48 am UTC
PRIVATE TO SEPTIMUS. - [info]cedre, 2008-02-21 10:25 am UTC
PRIVATE TO CEDRELLA. - [info]septimus, 2008-02-23 03:26 am UTC
2008-02-20 02:58 am UTC (link)
Of course, Ced. What is it you need to tell me?

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2008-02-20 03:09 am UTC (link)
Septimus and I are getting married, and I'm pregnant. I'm having a baby.

I haven't told mum and dad yet, nor have I told Callidora. I'm not sure how to go about it, but I had to tell somebody and you're the one I'm closest to.

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2008-02-20 03:19 am UTC (link)

Oh m Felicitations, my dear sister, on your engagement and the start of your family, an-

Oh, Cedrella, what is Mother going to say? Are you well? Is there anything I can do for you?

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2008-02-20 03:28 am UTC (link)
I don't know what she's going to say, Charis and I'm reasonably distressed. It's not like I've just worn mother's pearls without asking, you know? But I'm going through with it, I have no other options now.

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2008-02-20 03:59 am UTC (link)
I wish you weren't so terribly far away.

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2008-02-20 04:00 am UTC (link)
Me too. Though if I was still at school, this wouldn't be happening.

Come summertime, I'll be sure to see you. No matter what mum and dad say, I can't stop seeing my sisters.

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2008-02-20 04:08 am UTC (link)
One would certainly hope.

Oh I don't think they would- Do you thin Certainly; No one holds the right to keep us away from each other.

If I may be frank, Cedrella, I am terribly worried for you, now. Are you entirely healthy? Has Master Weasley's family been informed? Do you have everything you need?

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2008-02-20 04:27 am UTC (link)
I'm better now I know what's going on, and Septimus told his mum. I'm going to have dinner with his family very soon.

Thank you, Charis, for being so welcoming and understanding about all this. Callidora isn't taking well at all.

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CARBON DIOXIDE - [info]charised, 2008-02-20 04:35 am UTC
CARBON DIOXIDE - [info]cedre, 2008-02-20 04:37 am UTC

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