Tuesday, April 22, 2008 (1:41 AM)
On the baby front, I'm not sick anymore but I've gone wee more times this morning than I've gone in an entire day. I've grown huge as houses, and I don't want to believe that it gets worse, that I'll get larger in the weeks to come. I'm sure I look hideous (you can't ever deny it, Sep, I refuse to listen), I haven't gone out in days. There's not much else to report on my end but-

Oh, I nearly forgot: now I can feel the baby move! It's amazing, to feel him (I'm positive it's a he, I just know it--he's as persistent as Septimus) pressing against my belly. I like putting my hand there whenever he starts in, it's like a little thump against my hand, like he knows it's Mummy there and he's impatient to see everyone and everything. Sep's mum was there the first time I felt the baby move, and we both cried--from happiness, of course.

But as much as I love being here and appreciate Septimus' family for putting up with me, I still wish I might have had this moment with my own family. For all our differences and arguments I can't help but- I'm still scared and I'd rather I wasn't going through this without you all. Mum included.
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