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Jack Young

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Marvel Avengers Alliance Concept [13 Feb 2013|06:21pm]
Jack Young

Master Alchemist- Chance when enemies attack to gather mystical energy. Three mystical energies gives Jack Alchemic might.

Alchemic Might- Jack can cast Transmute Ground, Acid Rain and Alchemy Shield as quick actions.


L1- Alchemic Blast- Single target magic ranged energy attack.

L2- Transmute Ground- Ground Attack. Causes Slowed.

L6- Acid Rain- Targets all opponents for a magical ranged attack. Catstrophic Attack. Causes Armor melt and Acid Burn. Acid Burn deals damage each turn for three turns.

L9- Alchemy Shield- Single target buff. Create a shield effect. Reflects some damage as magic onto attacker.
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[ viewing | February 13th, 2013 ]
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