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Dark Gods [09 May 2012|10:28am]
When several Dark Gods of various pantheons allied together to rid themselves of the Famels before the could finish their work on a true Elixir of Life Hans escaped the destruction with most of the Famels journals on magic, alchemy, occult, and other secret knowledges. The Dark Gods were not happy about this and have sent the minions to collect the journals so that they could have to to ensure that such knowledge never again falls into mortal hands.

After several centuries the Dark Gods for the most part have stopped really caring about Hans since he has not really seemed to be looking into the formula or to be that much of a threat to them and has been keeping the journals out of others hands and have usually just been content to have their minions hassle him from time to time. But who knows what they might do if the found out how powerful an alchemist he has become or that he has been looking into that research himself if ineffectively.

Dark Gods-


Chernobog- Slavic Dark God

Woden- Celtic God of the Dead

Morrigan - Irish goddess of Death and War, Almost killed Hans once but decided not to at the last moment and has helped him with the other dark gods when convenient to her needs

Ix Chel- Mayan goddess of Moon, Weaving Rainbow
More later
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