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carwraps236 ([info]carwraps236) wrote,
@ 2013-03-17 17:27:00

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Vehicle Graphics: How to Avoid Bad Wraps

Auto Graphics Experts

Vinyl car wraps are quite sturdy but unfortunately, these wraps will expire enventually. Experts say that regular vinyl can last up to 5 years while those special ones can last up to 7. In the event of the car wrap?s expiration, it must be removed right away before it will become difficult to eliminate. Removal of vehicle wraps seems difficult but in actuality, it can be accomplished even at home. Here are additional pointers in taking down car wraps.

First of all, you need to orient yourself regarding the proper removal of car wraps and graphics to avoid problems later on. The steps are easy but one has to pay attention when removing the car wrap. Susbequently, you need to secure the right tools and materials because you will not be able to strip it down with your bare hands. Tools you will need would include a heat gun or blow dryer, razor blade, and plastic scraper. You will also need alcohol and gloves when doing the actual process.
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You should know that vehicle wraps have different levels of bond. In addition vehicle wraps tend to bond deeply on the surface especially if the car detailer used special technique in installing the car graphics. But in general, the wraps can be removed using the tools and materials mentioned earlier. To begin, you need to wear gloves first so you can begin with the heating of the vinyl wrap using a blow dryer or heat gun. Heat the edges using the right temperature so you will be altering the vinyl wrap and not the actual paint of the car. Try not to overdo this process because it might ruin some parts of the car especially if there are plastic on the surface.

When the edge starts to peel, you can use your fingers to pull the wrap from the car. For vinyl wraps installed on windows, you may have to use the razor after heating the surface. As a suggestion, you may ask additional help in order to reduce the workload. This will allow you to concentrate on one task while the other on another task thus reducing the labor.

As a final reminder, you probably have to use special chemicals because residues are inevitable at this stage. Scrapers will help remove excess while alcohol and other type of chemicals can also soften the residues. When using chemicals, be sure that the liquid is friendly to the car especially to its paint. If the process proves to be difficult, you can bring it in your local detailing shop and have the excess wraps removed by experts.
Vehicle Wrap Graphics

Wrapping a vehicle for corporation or for leisure uses is often done at respectable car wrapping firms. These establishments have equipment and tools as well as materials to design and install graphics on vehicles. Yet, a standard individual can do that at your house provided that key instruments and products are available for him to operate on. If you plan to do the same, just read the article below for some other insights involving set up of vehicle graphics in the home.

First of all, you need to come up with a concrete design. This may include a business logo, a catch phrase, or custom graphics which you will sketch using a home pc as well as a image modifying software system. It is important that your design fits your car and visible to the eye.

After you have drafted your intial design, choose a decent wrapping material. There are so many materials available in the market like acrylic, PVC, polystyrene, and more. But you should choose the vinyl because this is what car wrapping firms usually employ when they install graphics on the vehicles. It is usually also sturdy, flexible, and really economical to implement and you also may get this materials any where.

After you have selected the canvas, you should now prepare to develop the image you have designed earlier. But, if the graphics is very good sized for a typical printer, you can want to rent a 3rd social gathering to print your layout. Assuming that you have successfully printed your design, prepare the essential tools like heat gun, squeegee, razor knife, air release tool, and cleaning agents to start the next phase.
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Clean the vehicle so that the graphics will adhere on the surface well. Failure to accomplish so will only trigger peeling and lousy adhesion of the car graphics. You can wash the car with soap and water.

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